Inception #22

Already watched, sat down for 30 minutes thinking and i already understood it 100%. I started laughing to myself how fucking goood it is. Im not a fanboy but this is one of the best or the best film ever made. EVERYONE WHO say its terrible just fucking didnt understand it.
im not understanding this
It's a really good movie and enjoyable, but still annoy me why level3 has gravity.
fucking moron, its fully explained why. what u dont understand?
Explaination is bullshit. Maybe its good for a kid like you.
There are three type of movie-goers; dumb people, intelligent people and dumb people who like feel as though they're intelligent. This movie is aimed at the latter group (and it turns out there is an awful lot of them).
Dumb people who like to feel as though they're intelligent are easy to spot. They confuse "complicated" with "complex", "contrived" with "multi-layered", "pretentious" with "thought-provoking" and "vague" with "open to interpretation". Their dumbness prevents them from articulating their arguments, so they have invented a multi-purpose four-word response which they fire off at any and all criticism they may encounter; "You don't get it".
:DD very weird that everyone fully understands it, but not u?
The director wanted you to think you get it, and you think you are so smart now.

By the way I dont remember when I talked to a 16 years old teenager last time in real life, probably 6 years ago.
so u telling me this guy who worked on the movie since he was 16 spent all those years to develope a movie which had sequences that didnt make sense`? to make dumb ppl think theire smart? Isnt it you who tries to be speciall? u got a strong belife that your "out side thebox"? :)

Ye man u so kool cause u was born before me :)) i mean wtf? :XD
No, probably they just couldnt solve the situation (imageine level3 without gravity) and they left this as it is and everybody eat it now. Every movie has some mistake but this is a huge for me.

Dont care how old are somebody as long as he dont behave like his age.
no need to keep argumenting with u as your brain is so sure about your right that u simply dont listen to anything else ;)
What? You said nothing against my argument. Look down there is a better discussion, you may join.
yes i did in your last journal ;=
He is right. Level 1, free fall, i.e. no normal force being exercised on body. No gravity in level 2 follows. However, no normal force is being exercised there either, so why the gravity in level 3?
You replied to my explaination yesterday but when I tried to read your reply, the journal had been deleted.

What did you say?
level 1 they ar in car they are falling = 'feeling' of zero gravity so falling = zero gravity
level 2 in the hotel they have zero gravity thats same as falling then same "feeling".

You said they are 'still', ye they are still in both situation
They're not 'still' in the same situation. In the car, there is gravity. In the hotel there isn't.
In freefall you have zero gravity feeling. Why does it matter you have gravity or not? Only the effect on your body should count, and it's a weak explanation for me.
Freefall = imponderability.
Level 1 generates imponderability to level 2.
Level 2 should also generate imponderability to level 3.
I think a better example to back up your argument would be the van rolling over the bridge having no effect in the third dream level; technically, it is inconsistent since the van hitting the bridge caused an avalanche etc., etc..
Really forced, dont you think ? There is no good explanation for this imo.
what did you reply to me yesterday on my explanation about dependency on the last layer only? Because you can see that in the final layer with Fischer talking to Dad, that there is also normal gravity there.
someone is active around here all of a sudden :o
Yep.. And why the fuck does the brain move 20x faster when you dream inside a dream? It's still the same brain :(
any steam/dl link?
only shitty cam yet
and the fucking fischer believed that he need to go his own way in the end. Jesus christ how the fuck its possible to write such a screenplay
enjoyable but way too long
All the good movies r long, this movie wouldnt be this good with if its shorter.

Edit: Actually I think it should be even longer because the end was too fast for me.
Probably there will be a Inception 2 anyway...
yeah it should be a 38 hour long movie about 742 different levels
You should be a cop?! :p
ellen page can't do that many exponents in her head
might be true. but she is fucking hot
I agree man, but she's like... idk, mysteriously hot :P Kinda hard to explain, but I think you know what I mean :P
Was an awesome movie, I'm sure I missed something out (like most films) but will go back to watch it in the cinema soon, purely because I enjoyed it and there's nothing much else out at the moment worth seeing... :)
i think i understood 99% and im in fucking shock lol, i was completely focused from the beginning to the end and there is absolutely no plot holes .
absolutely phenomenal movie. idk, it felt like a more elegant and improved version of Donnie Darko (in that both challenge the concept of our world and "reality" being the one and only)
I fucking loved that film. First time i've been the cinemas in a while and it was really nice. Tom Hardy gave a great performance and I found his character really interesting
I personally came away with the feeling that parts of the film felt rushed, yet it also felt like it went on too long. It seemed that they had to cram this 'love story understand me please hey girl i just met i will tell you everything about me' shit in somewhere.

The ending was extremely poor. The first thing you learn in english (literature), is to never end a story in "it was all a dream". Yes the film didn't expressly do that, it just took one stap back: "It wasn't a dream! but it might have been! see what we did there kiddos, we're really smart with that one! run along and chat to your 14 year old mates about how amazing we are!".

It wasn't bad, but it was far from great.
+1 for that
the whole movie was built on the concept of dreams though, so while I think the ending may have been a bit expected, it was quite apropos and fitting to the whole theme.
it's so overrated
Went to see it last night and although it was quite good I was left feeling completely underwhelmed

I didn't come away thinking that there was anything new in the film.

The effects were good etc but it just didn't surprise me or give me anything I'm going to remember in a years time. If it was as amazing as people are saying I should have come away with at least one 'wow' moment and there wasn't anything like that

It's not bad, it's not that great.
only shit quality avi for download :(
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