which muscle for faster fuck?
1 Aug 2010, 15:59
which muscle do u (male) need to fuck faster? could it be lower back or ass?
i´m sure one of crossfire´s fitness guru´s will know !
thx bb
@edit: can i get warning points for this? :(
@edit2: solution
i´m sure one of crossfire´s fitness guru´s will know !
thx bb
@edit: can i get warning points for this? :(
@edit2: solution
i just didnt had the time to do it until now
seriously just fuck faster, do you get tired when fucking? i mean what better motivation can you have to move dunno
ye its rlly tiring, but i mean you continue till you come and then you are tired, you dont get tired before and stop
deadlift to strengthen the core, but dunno what you could do to speed up motion, except practice - HIIT perhaps
i suppose he could fuck harder but not faster that way? :x
hiit uses a lot of the core, and is naturally high speed
i dont see any way to improve the speed, push press might help but its not even working officialy on that area (side work)