Well done Krosan and AEF

(This started as a column but decided it was probably too short so I put it here)

The Antwerp eSports Festival is complete and ET can take great pride in its representation and conduct. ET was an integral part of a LAN that has grown into one of the most prestigious for the benelux. ET is a game that by all means should be dead and buried long ago, but through the power of self belief it has kept going, that power of self belief is personified by one man - the man that brought you AEF, Krosan.

12 months ago Krosan was another Crossfire member, his claim to the headlines was through FatGames the team where he got screwed by the lies of some of its senior management just as much as some of the players. Very quickly however he rose his profile as an admin with work on news, tournaments and the last CC LAN. The icing on his cake was the most ambitious of moves, moving ET into AEF.

Getting stuff done in ET is less than simple, and becoming a success story for the ET community suffers from the exact struggles than ET as a game has done. There are many close minded people in the community that resent people sticking their oar into things. I read a lot of the abuse Krosan has received with a sense of disbelief knowing that if the exact same actions were done by other people no eyebrow would be raised.

However no volume of difficulties could get in his way, Krosan wanted to offer a better service to the ET community both online and offline. Today his mission has reached a very pivotal milestone, the successful completion of the AEF ET tournament without any major hitches and plenty of journals toasting actions of the grand final.

From myself and the whole of the ET community, congratulations to Krosan and all of those who have supported ET at AEF.
idd congratulations to Krosan, he was also very helpfull at lan with questions and had a nice convo with him :P
When is the next Crossfire LAN?
i still hate him for the ET committee
gj krosan
I don't care about Krosan, but who the fuck made Baggiez an admin?
Mittelfinger hoch!
Mittelfinger Hoch!

Denn in Rest-Deutschland ist sonst nichts los!
Sag: "Oh mein Gott", nun wittert die Szene Gefahr,
nun sind alle mit ihren Plänen am Arsch.
Mittelfinger hoch! Mittelfinger hoch!
Aufeinmal ist keiner mehr neben Selfmade groß
Sag: "Oh mein Gott", wir haben das Game gefickt,
Casper, Kollegah, Shiml, Favorite

+ fucking 1
your the one sucking baggiez's dick
ET committee ruined it all

Indeed, looked like a pretty awesome lan :) Cant wait for the next CC one though.
ETTV support could have been better.
but krosan wasnt responsible for that
did anyone punch him in the face?
Thank you krosan!
Well done Krosan ;)
TosspoT , when cf lan?
Nagu sa sinna läheks :D
Good work Krosan
things went wrong, as they do every lan...but krosan kept running around to try n fix shit or answer people's questions! big thank you.

btw, biggest downside this lan was the cod4 guys who are annoying as fuckkkk and keep shouting, screaming and yelling cuz someone got fragged...like 8 times during the same game...too retarded.

e: also big thanks to Potty for setting up the consolation tournament
its like this every lan where there is cod4.
didnt notice at cc7 cuz there were seperate rooms, now they had to share a huge room...lots of ppl couldnt hear their comms when it happened..and its shit to focus with all that shit
All CoD players act like fucking chavs.
then u should hear cs nerds they are screaming as well ....
not notice dig et and impact doing it? :)

l0l mate u make good point XDDD
they only did it like 3-4 times during the entire lan, the cod guys did it 4 tmes every 30 minutes :-)
cod = round based game where as et is stopwatch

hence it being so often ^__^
doesnt make it less annoying lol :D
krosan is maybe helping community but god... hes arrogant
he's not arrogant at all, wasnt at cc7 nor at aef..
hes some times a little bold yeah, but arrogant?
i meant: sometime when he replys, hes harsh for no reason. almost trying to insult u
When you have a certain amount of PM's on IRC every single day, you might come off as arrogant to some people, even though you are not.

You have to remember that the nicknames on this here web, they are just people like you.
I get the most pms everyday :'(

[12:25:01] × Total queries: [15474]/[~76.7 per day]
[12:25:01] × Queries today: [21]


you can imagine how i feel when someone comes flaming or baiting me :D
I was supervisor at RTCW.no/WarLeagues when it was bigger than CB, so yes I can imagine.
cic7 was way better organised, eventhough AEF was announced to be one hell of a professional lan.
no it was not, the atmosphere mightve been way better at cic, but the organisation was better at aef..
Tosspot, ur totally right!

Great Job, Krosan.

And now tell us please when the next crossfire Lan will be?

PLS. :<
Well done!
I still dont like him.
krosan best admin ever
image: 24cuoli

(c) loeki
well done krosan,potty & all the staff
well done krosan ;)
krosan's the best
very well done krosan <3
Can't agree more, he is the nicest guy you will meet at lan and to be honest he has just run the most organised ET lan that i have ever been to bar none and for that simple fact ET will be represented at AEF at potentially 2 more lans now that Stephen will be organising.
Job well done Krosan! =)
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