Monitor SyncMaster 2233RZ

Any1 got this one? So can I use 2D with every graphics card (Radeon 4850HD) and 2D max. hz = 120?
nVIDIA's site tells this:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 56~75 Hz,120Hz
Horizontal Frequency: 30~135 kHz

So I wouldn't be too sure it works with 120 hz normally, even though the kHz is over 120.
no its full 120Hz on a single panel

this isn't the BEST 120Hz lcd on the market anymore, although it is still damn good.

image: 31842550
Which is better? The acer one? Been thinking of getting one of these, but input lag I saw in tests is still too big :( I want the lowest input lag, colors/backlight bleeding etc. don't bother me.
i've not been following the newer models since i bought the sync master but i think viewsonic is the best bet at the moment as i heard they totally removed input delay where the 2233rz has a little.
I paid 230$ from with a rebate so I happily got the Samsung. It is working great for me and really nice for ET.
That looks pretty awesome :-) I must get one some of these days.

e: Does it supply 120hz on other than the native resolution?
well i'd say yes as the drivers say it can run 120Hz on any 4:3 or 16:9 16:10 res
I have to run my viewsonic at full res to get 120hz :(
thats kinda weird what os ?
I'm using Tiny XP atm

and youre using a dvi cable? no idea!
Dual link. Yeh I dunno either.

My screen starts like flickering if I use lower :(
so what's the "best" monitor atm on the market?
Its good monitor my friend has one. blue is dominating color so it might annoy somebody but nothing huge.

Im going for viewsonic myself cause it has 0 imput lag and its bit cheaper
dont like it 53tw better
"120 FPS Support"
whats that? 120hz maybe?

with 3d, looks like nice, price?
279 - 367 € in FInland
expensing :(
140€ for the samsung t220
2ms, 75Hz

bought it @ switzerland
120hz in lcd is a marketing only and u need it for 3d only in game u dont think any diffrents
all "u think any diffrents" is headache and eyecancer with a refreshrate below 100hz
i play on 75, warrup
hf with eyecancer HARHAR!
i got a 100hz CRT too, but i cant alt+tab trough different screens with it -.-
takes a whole second to change the resolution (and i minimize my et alot, so it got really annoying)
becous u dont think
paint = 2d
dunno about samsung, but got viewsonic similar one and it pwns.
basically it should be ok as long as you dont try to use it as an external monitor on 120Hz with a mobile ati card on windows (some chipset / card driver combo's are still lagging behind there)
I have it and it is simply amazing.
fucking shit monitor
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