reformat pc

is there any possibility to reformat my pc without having a cd for windows xp home edition? or can i receive the cd from the internet in a legal way?


e: 2nd question: how can i receive my pw from my bnc? when i open my bnc it only shows me black circles in the pw line:(
usb stick
sd card

Password Finder
I think your bnc pw is: "OOOOOO" ;D
cheater spotted
Can probably download the image file from Microsucks website providing you got a 'legit' cdkey...
You could basically get any not-so-legal version and install that (whether it be XP or 7), but it sounds like you want a nerdy friend to help you out. Don't "format" when you don't know what you're doing.
in game u dont think any diffrents
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