AEF - few questions

i missed the whole LAN...

which team surprised the most?(bad and good way)
how did other players/people who didnt know ET react on the game?
who do you think played way worse offline than online - short: who sucked?

thanks in advance :)
which team surprised the most? bF
how did other players/people who didnt know ET react on the game? idk
who do you think played way worse offline than online - short: undead
"which team surprised the most? bF" No.

"who do you think played way worse offline than online - short: undead" No.
undead? he actually played really good
i miss understood that question xD undead suprised me, he rlly played good sorry :x
you are kidding me right?
Jinosta is a cheater.
3 Jinosta
1] bf
2] dnno
3]maus sucked -.-
maus sucked?

nice troll
no maus sucked, he didnt even came close to his nrml skills, he barely had teamplay and almost never highest damage and if he did he had like 200 more dmg then the second
specced him 2/3 times, was with an awesome tracking, with nice dg if he team is okay, but he cant do more dg than everyone if his team is loosing hard or smth

dunno what war you specced
all of em :)
so read again:
"but he cant do more dg than everyone if his team is loosing hard or smth"
rofl ure probly one of those "omg maus omg" type of guys, or did he lost all his matches, that would explain ure retarded "but he cant do more dg than everyone if his team is loosing hard or smth"
"rofl ure probly one of those "omg maus omg" type of guys"
you are just a mongol who dislike him or cant you see that he have a fucking nice aim ? Okay you can have a nice aim & suck, but dunno why the fuck you says he sucked, "normal skills", wat ?

"he barely had teamplay and almost never highest damage and if he did he had like 200 more dmg then the second " if he doesnt had 1000 dg more than everyone, he sucks?

serious your last sentence is fucked, ure probly one of those "most dg / over 9000dg = god, and not most dg / normal game = suck"

i wont answer to you anymore,

it looks like you are blind / expect him to win everything even with his team ( they were not the best team as you can see )
see i was right ure one of those retarded fuckfaces that cant even see that maus played a sucky lan, he wasnt as nearly good as normal, so yes for his normal skills he SUCKED
owner of the event was calling us retards cause we wanted to play consolation
mAus didnt play good at all I heard...
don't like to say bad things about people :<
Cod 4 players found that ET was complicated and too fast.
Hmzz wonder what they would say then back in the RTCW days :)
guess why they're cod players ^^
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