Fucking bored @ holidays

hoi crossies!

I'm sitting here, in my godfather's(8D) house, Poland Warsaw in front of his shit laptop and I'm bored as hell. Don't know what I can do so I'm reading all these boring news about AEF and some other cool journals about it.

Tomorrow I'm leaving Poland Warsaw and I'm going to Poland Zamosc to fucking even moar boring farm and I'll be bored as fuck till 14 of August because there is a wedding and I'll get drunkzzz

E: I forgot to say that I was at my godfather's son's wedding on Saturday and Sunday and that was just epickly epic :D I met some really hot chickz and I was dancinnnnnn' with them! Really enjoyed zeh wedding

I mad cuz I have a break of a gym :(

Hows u goin', crossieZ?
i watched that like 15 times :D
dad gave him a skillcookie!
dobra nuta, caly czas nuce ;D
No bez kitu i w dodatku trafia do kazdego pokolenia, bo i moi rowiesnicy sie przy tym bawia, i 50letnie ciotki takze 8D
make another frag movie!
did he make you an offer you cant refuse?
Isn't it obvious?
Unless you fucked the girls at the wedding, you're a failure.
ej wede przyjedz do mnie do Bilgoraja, jakies 50 km od zamoscia!
Uwierz ze rozwaze ta propozycje :D.
haha :D jak cos to daj znac
a nie cos ponad 20 ? : D
ah to do krasnobrodu jest 20 pare :D masz racje :)
W Zamosciu jest fajnie uwierz mi nie bedziesz sie nudzil
you danced with girls? wtf are u doing on this forum? nerdonly here
dancing with girls is against the crossfire law :/
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