Maplist hassle

Hi crossfire. I have a question for you. I played a 2o2 scrim yesterday, and the enemy wasn't too happy when we chose braundorf_b4 as our map. One of them told me it's "no longer an official map". Now I checked cb ladders and summercup and both had b4 in their maplists.

Also, I was called a "low" since the only way I can play is "by corner-camping".

A while ago I was also told sp_delivery_te is not an official map either. I checked it also and didn't find any evidence of this.

What do you people consider maps eligible to play in praccs? Since no such thing as _the_ maplist exists, we just have to rely on a combination of maplists from bigger ladders and cups imo.

image: gcegt30f.rr
image: gcegtcv4.pc
image: gcegtf0w.a8
image: gcegtkf7.rt
delivery is no 5on5 map anymore since summer cup
And that's a damn good thing!
It's still in the ESL maplist.
esl is dumb in this way ...
Go play CB then :)
i would do when i could, cause of work i can't play atm ...
in praccs? If one doesnt want to play any random maps then just play sd,gr and adler. If you want play other maps get an oppo who wants to play them aswell. Maps like b4, delivery are really not fun at all if you dont like em.. thats why they whine.
Were you playing an official or a practise?

If it was a practise you should be able to choose what map you want without any whine to be honest, you only get whined at by the people who hate playing anything other than delivery and supply.
stop playing vs low?
ok that chick is amazing!
idd she has huge boobs and she's young and she's beautiful too
Ignore such retards and let them whine.
ok ur an idiot playing vs idiots.
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