just a random journal...

...cause i am bored at work:< still need to work till 17:30 hrs
Lucky i only need to work for the next 3 days and then i got holiday for 3 weeks! and then school again...

What are your plans for today?

Can you entertain me with some video's / pictures / games what ever....

Have a nice day!

image: boredcat-isbored
No, I can only laugh at you because you have to work.
how the fuck did you know I'm currently watching back to the future
cause i can look into the future!
Wat voor werk doe je
ik heb momenteel vakantie werk bij me oude stage plek:) maar tis niet druk:D
wtf is with it's left leg
cat was so bored it started to cut itself.. emo and stuff...
animal acts like owner? :OOOoOO
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