drago@Antwerp eSports Festival

After a great success at AEF 2010 (Champions!!) one of the Team Dignitas ET players, Sebastian 'drago' Ohrmann, decided to write a blog about his adventures at AEF, both ingame and outside the venue! Drago goes through the matches, their preparation and talks about what the team did during the weekend. It's a great blog and definately worth a read!

i do got a life soz..
tl;dr version pls
what's up with tl;dr ? What does that mean :s?
too long;didn't read
does he calls everyone lucky if they do smtn better as him?
he mentions luck once in that blog, and it was in terms of opponents not finding a way to stop his teams attack ;)

luck is a huge factor within gaming, but anyone at the top of any game knows what effects luck and it rarely just 'happens' as most would assume ^^
Quoteit rarely just 'happens' as most would assume ^^

haha yeah, getting an awesome spawn time rarely just 'happens', that just takes skill and only a slight bit of luck!
Î did recheck the final and you had a a pretty good spawn time, 15s to push when we were on full spawn :(

edit: at WB final you had 10s left when we were on full spawn

It's just the way the map is, horrible
i wasn't talking about any one particular game, just making the point that often in et luck is entirely random
true, it just only really shows (as in its painfully obvious) at maps like supply or even goldrush
any spawntime can be good or bad really, just have to change how you play and when you go aggressive etc. if you have one type of defence strat then yea you can have bad spawns.

ET has the huge downside of every team playing the seemingly 2d dynamic of push and kill when on defence which makes it easier to attack against.
QuoteWe went on to play our remaining group matches and had some slight problems, especially against Belgian Fraternity (or how we like to call them now, Belgian Fatal1tys).

he was bored i guess
What happend to Hope ?
Heat of the venue got to me.
Heat in combination of heavy alcohol drinking the day before equalled in puking in the toilets at the LAN center 8DD
Hehe wasn't it crumbs replacing you? Luckily you didn't puke on your pc :P
Yeah crumbs played in stead of me against Speedlink. I always manage to find my way to a safe place if I need to throw up ;)
hmm you forgot to drink water probably
I actually drank about a litre of water in the morning, but when I came to the venue this guy took away my water bottles since they didn't allow any drinks/food from outside the venue :/
Took my chips at cc7 because that wasnt bought there, wanted to kill that stupid bitch :s
Atleast some warning 'please dont eat that' or something. But no she took it without a word.
nice blog
Well done, hope you keep supporting ET odee, it's not only great for the team but a very important impulse towards other MGC's who could perhaps also venture into ET!

Keep it up :)
waar was jij dan?
allesinds niet op aef
I fucking lolled on the "rape street" ahaha :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. It trully looks like rape street tho : <
good read tbf, amazing coverage for ET from Team Dignitas. Hope they just keep the support for more lans.
great manager :P our manager Poland Robaciek doesn't do anything for us pff :s
Only bots and wallhacks. :D
not even that
thats overload's manager :P
wouldn't that be sainted? In this case: I highly doubt that!
the old one :D

dont remember his name: Xjap or something :P
do you have a special left handed mouse??? :S drg is awesome :)
me so happy now
drago didnt decide to write a blog, he was forced to :)
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