switching to windows 7


Since a few days I have a new laptop with windows 7 on it.
Now I want to try to play ET but I cant connect to any server. My main screen opens but anything else I can´t do. Also I used my old config who had rmoe 6. But when I load it only a small square in my screen is used for ET. Is that because my resolution is 1600 * 900 in windows?

I also need a usbrate program for windows 7.

Thanks for you help
the resoultion thing just change the cfg to custom aspect and put in the resolution manually... r_customaspect 1, r_mode -1, r_customheight x, r_customwidth x (or something like that) and have you checked your firewall settings? try disabling it for a while and see what happens :?
when I change my resolution to a value that high my ET doesn´t start :< It gives the following error: Couldn't load OpenGL Sub system or something.
update graphic drivers and directx...problem solved

had the same problem
thx :)

Can I just google for "driver Geforce NVS 5100" and than find a download link ?
definitely a gfx card problemo then sir ;D try older or newer drivers
I had no problems with win 7 and ET from the beginning. I used the ultimate installer and it worked fine since.
for small square : update video drivers,and make sure u install everything :)
as for the usbrate : http://www.ngohq.com/news/15043-how-to-increase-usb-sample-rate-in-windows-vista-7-a.html worked for me
Somehow this shit doesn't want to work on my pc. :( After done all what said my mx518 is active during startup but then when it's loading windows it's "dead". Working now after system restore.
it's the w7 protection shizzle
did you reboot after enabling the testmode?
there should be a watermark in the right bottom corner saying that you're in testmode after a restart
Ehm, yeh missed reboot. Did the reboot now, tho no watermark is shown.
UAC is disabled and sht.
there must be a watermark, else the w7 driver protection is still on :(
It didn't show any watermark but the patching worked this time. Thanks for noticing me about the restart.
: )
pozhaluysta! :P
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