iPhone 4 vs Xperia X10


So... I was planning to order the new iPhone 4 next week, but yesterday a friend contact me and asked me if I would buy he's Xperia X10 for only € 350,00... (new, he won it as price in a competition)

Since € 350,00 isn't much for a new Xperia X10...

I don't really know what to do... so please help me out with some good advice!

iPhone 4



Xperia X10


PS: Sorry for my crappy english
xperia hahaha
xperia vs dezire imo
iPhone !
Get the Xperia if that price is really that good and sell it. Make some profit and buy another phone (unless you wanna keep it ofc)

I'd vote for the Palm Pre (only around 240 Euro!), but well. It's not that hyped and known. So no idea if that's still cool enough to own! :-P
nice friend then if he goes for the profit.. dunno how you treat ur friends tho
He can still pretend he didn't like it after a few weeks!
iphone 4g? is it a new phone?

its actually called iphone 4, without a G!
take both and sell one of them and you might get out of it charge free! :D
I wouldnt buy it anymore. Nokia will not release much updates/continue maemo developing anymore. Its great phone from Nokia but meego will be the future of nokia =)
X10 since the iphone 4G doesn't excist
android > iphone obviously
htc desire
i guess somebody's jealous
iphone or desire
everything else is utterly unbelieveably shit compared to these two
it's iphone 4. it doesn't have 4g. i think that htc is still the only one with 4g. unless a new phone has come out?
HTC evo 4g all the way but not coming to europe yet?
htc desire
If you're welling to spend that amount of money... take the iPhone obviously. No smartphone today is able to compete with it.

~6 of the reasons are shit
Could be.

A single one would be enough though:

- App Store. :)
android market > app store
You have no clue what you're talking about do you.

Ok, Apple might be a bitch about allowing certain apps, but the amount of apps sold every year, the amount of developers..

Cmon man, just open your eyes.
oh come on, thats bullshit :P
get the htc desire you fag :-D
Never thought I'd see this day...Waki is accusing people of hacking or playing with hackers!
sony ericsson have stopped making the experia x10 for the uk market in favour of the x10 mini. its end of line. which means end of support and software updates too. im pretty certain itll be the same for the rest of the eu. im not an iphone fan though, i got one, but its meh, just ok. i still prefer my HD2 :P
Friend has both he prefers the xperia and so do I from messing around with his.
Android phones are taking the market atm but tbh Xperia 10 is a great phone but since its an ericson the support for it is a big question mark.. Just get a htc desire or something on those lines. iPhone is only good if your a fanboy so that you can ignore all the negative things of it.
+1 finally someone knows something about mobile phones. Iphone isnt so specially phone.. It has same features than Xperia. Iphone is just eye candy phone :)
get an iphone - jailbreak it - profit!
i'd go with the iphone in a heartbeat. xperia sucks

fuck i need an iphone again :|
Depends. If you have money then iphone isnt problem for you. I prefer personally android based phones because its open source. So its easy to install pirate applications. You dont have to jailbreak it. IF you want good camera and take a lot pictures then buy Xperia. Bad think in xperia is that it hasnt big hard drive. Iphone has 16gb and 32gb but in xperia you have to buy memory card. As Jacker said are they going to continue support Xperia or is it a dead phone already? Iphone 4 will be updated a lot and support is long in iphones. I am also looking for good phone for myself but i havent found any good yet. I still believe in Nokia and os made by intel and Nokia called "Meego" :))
i still think i'll go for the iPhone 4 since it has good firmware support & you are able to jailbreak it which provides alot of free good apps... :)
Well Apple has only 3 mobile phones so they are updating them enough. The best think is that app store is huge and you will find always programs :) And you should check this news about jailbreaking: http://www.puhelinvertailu.com/uutiset.cfm/2010/08/02/iphone_4_n_jailbreak_nyt_ladattavissa and
http://www.puhelinvertailu.com/uutiset.cfm/2010/07/26/dmca_ta_loysattiin_jailbreakit_ovat_nyt_laillisia USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE
u dont have a clue about what your talkin about xD
more than you
i use a different browser other than explorer called SKYFIRE. google it from the handset, its like the second hit down, just install and it works perfectly. also i had to do the firmware update recently. works great.
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