fifa 10 players here?

there's something in the game thats been bugging me a bit.. i always played with chelsea offline and always won easily against friends etc, but since i play online with chelsea it seems to me that there passing speed is way slower then e.g. real madrid or arsenal and it also seems to me that they arent good anymore offensive :p?! What makes that difference? If i play online with chelsea i have difficulties winning, but if i play with real madrid or arsenal i just win easily :p
boring after 2 hour
Game speed
playing it @ xbox live
why do the kiddies always pick chelsea, milan, barca or real :S
1. i'm not a kiddie
2. my father lived in london for 3 years when i was just a kiddie ;)
3. his favo team was chelsea, so we went to see some matches over there.. since the team i support in belgium is insignificant in FIFA i play with chelsea FC
okay, but you must be an exception then..
its true that 3/4 of my opponents play with barca :p
awesome question is awesome
add daanerd @ xboxlive
ill play u :D
My add is: Alan_Baggiez

Bought Fifa 10 like 1 month ago and my PC broke 3 weeks ago so I've been playing 2-3 games of Fifa 10 online every night :D

Always play as Arsenal. I hate Chelsea, they're so fucking boring.
Stop playing amateur level offline?
funnybunny, i always win @ worldclass
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