In Generic Host Process for Win32 Services

In Generic Host Process for Win32 Services is een fout opgetreden en moet worden afgesloten. Onze excuses voor dit ongemak.

image: heuj

tried everything with google, nothing helpt. Anyone same problem? Someone solved it already? how?

fout rapportage:

szAppName : svchost.exe szAppVer : 5.1.2600.5512 szModName : unknown
szModVer : offset : 001a3b41
format :P
I'm serious.
have the same :(

been scanning and removing shit and hoping it does not pop up again..

blame slac!

kinda annoying when net/sounds stop working and my reboot takes too long
my internet is gone after some minutes when my computer starts and everything looks fuckedup after a while... tried many different things
nothing worked so far

tell me when you solved it:(
scanned ad-aware, malfarebytes, avira and getting a firewall and i dont really know what happened to the last popup.. I reported it to microsoft and it closed and my net is still up from it.. started full avira scan after that and will try new reboot after this is finished. Already picked up windows cd's from friend incase i cant get this working but cant believe it would be this easy.
got trojan?
we had trouble with this at work today too

was tr/atrap.gen or smthn
why would one use microsoft driven O/S on a working place?
well thats happening in my msn :<
having it on atm, 30% and it hasn't found anything so far. Will see it when it's done :(
the only way your gonna sort that is format, your gonna waste more time trying to find a solution sooner than just starting again
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