help me decide which one i should buy O_O

yo bitches, assholes, mAus-fanboys and trolls,

please help me to decide which one i should take:


both are amazing guitars, both are 7 string baritones, both +/- in the same price range....

i think the Schecter (1st) looks a bit more beautiful, whereas the Ibanez (2nd) looks more badass, cold and heavy.

i will use it for low tuned Meshuggah-esqe riffing and soloing in the style of Guthrie Govan. if you understand shit now, just nevermind and tell me which one`s design you like more :)

and if you have another option in this priceclass (only 7 string pls), post as well!

thanks <3

none , you got no talent anyways.

you would be surprised.... :P
prove it !!1

edit: first one looks better somewhat more classic.
The black one.
the guitar shaped one
Do not like black guitars :/
the Schecter Loomis Sig is originally red, and it looks awesome.

but i am afraid i start disliking other colours than black with the time :/ i only have black guitars, maybe 1 is dark purple, but it starts getting slightly "gay".... :(
The first one looks nice. :)
image: 22636223_1

I only play this kind of guitars, so np for me :D
that looks exactly like my guitar :S !
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Niiiiceee! :) <3
take the schechter, emg pickups :P
i also like the Schecter, but those EMG are active and it kinds kills dynamics on clean tones...

but.... you are kinda right <3
yeah but who wants to play clean on an emg? :) especially on a 7-string :P
You could also just put EMGs in the Ibanez.
but i try to hide from active EMG pickups...
First is the best imo :)
Gibson SG.
Buying a guitar based on looks.

Buying an instrument based on looks.

ehm you didnt understand it :D i dont decide on looks...... you just cant read :D

both are just insane good guitars.

i know that you like to say that youre a "classical trained piano player", but that doesnt make an outstanding musician out of you. ;P so keep in mind that on crossfire you find plenty of talented ppl in every possible area. :D
You haven't mentioned ANYTHING about how the guitars play in the OP. Which means you haven't tried them (which you confirmed with your reply to G1s below). Which means you aren't sure about how they're gonna sound or if you even LIKE the sound you manage to get out of the guitar.

You only know the guitars are good because you've probably read good reviews on them or something. I've read good reviews on Bechsteins. Still think they're not better than Yamaha.
after 15 years of playing guitar and working in a music store for about 4 years, i know Ibanez and Schecter pretty good and i know these 2 guitars are high end guitars. :P i own 2 ibanez guitars already and they all pwn from the RG series, and in this price class there are no bad guitars around. these 2 brands are two of the best worldwide. :D
so both will be very impressive axes, i just dont know, which one i like more design wise. :]
with reference to sound, both have good pickups and will sound good. but working as a sound engineer i think the sound is not too important since 80% is coming from the amplifier, not from the 1kg electric guitar :) not like in the piano world though, you r right about that.
was nice to meez you.... to meet you :)

edit: yamaha sucks ;P
That obviously changes the story. Good luck with the choice anyway. :D

....actually i hoped to hear some of your piano playing (thats y the challenge on the first post... :DD)
with kevin it worked ;D

so :(
Getting a girlfriend based on looks. lol
Go to store and try them, then decide :E
not possible :(
first one looks better - classic with soul
Get this?
image: hello-kitty-guitar-fender-amp
Fine recommendation. Tried this out in a local shop. Stunning sound.
indeed! sounds like hell :O
hello kitty!
looks sweet :O
i used to teach with that guitar for 2 years so i didnt have to carry my own all the time to the music store :P
the black one cuz it's cool.

ps: WAIT
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