Fantasy Premier League 10/11

Is there a crossfire fantasy league going on this season? This is my year I can feel it!
lol whats that? ;o
Is Kamz allowed at the next CC?
Haven't read anything about explosions in belgian newspaper so I guess he's allowed
u would be suprised
my mind went straight to fantasy ET league instead of football. needless to say, i was disappointed when i realised i was mistaken.
make one
meh, premier league.. should make one for NHL instead, there are shitloads of fins on crossfire afterall!
I dont think there are more than 10 users on this site that would be interested in NHL predictiongame.
I dont think there are more than 9 users on this site that would be interested in NHL predictiongame.
I dont think there are more than 8 users on this site that would be interested in NHL predictiongame.
I'd rather have a fantasy CL :)
will there be a cc8 this year :p
last one sucked
I made a new crossfire league. If there already is one plz put the code somewhere.

invitation code: 606933-180189
bah gets pointless when everyone swaps out their whole team in the first matchweek to the players that are gonna perform that season.
It's same for everyone. I didn't get the point :o
whats the point in picking out a team and then swapping the whole thing out when you realise you've picked a shit team? then everyone will have the best team.. it should be made there can be 2-3 subs every 6 months for injury's and stuff
But you have only one free transfer on every round. Extra transfers cost points.
yea you can make loads of extra transfers at very little cost so it works out to swap for the top scoring players, i've looked at someone peoples "transfer" window and it's just stupid like 30 transfers after a season :D
True. But there still like million players and during the season there's going to be huge difference between the top teams and lowbies :)
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