Must have summer gadget 2010

hehe :D
hehe :D
not as good as the other heineken commercials
but i dont drink alcohol as its full of empty calories :<
"empty" calories? What else gives you more fun per calorie than alcohol?
a chickenbreast !

alcohol also tastes like shit though :/
one of the most stupid retardness things i have ever heard in my life
yet im not surprised it came from you
oh ye the experienced gym trainer :D whats retarded about it ?

Alcohol has about 7 calories per gram. These are considered "empty" calories because alcohol contains no beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

A 12-ounce beer contains about 150 calories. Sugary, carbonated beverages and fruit juices contribute additional calories when mixed with alcohol in a cocktail.

I prefer to get my sugar and fiber from fruitz. God Jewland must have shit gymz when someone actually hires you as a trainer brah
well that's your own choice, but a drink every now and then doesn't hurt :)
you're dumb and talking senseless shit
fructose can be as harmful as sugar, though both aren't harmful of you are a sportsman and not a couch potato
gym in germany must be stupid for delivering to such misleading scary information
are you fuckin stupid ? we were talkin about alcohol being empty calories ... not about fructose ... in this case carbs = fructose = sugar if you see it from this point of view

and btw: "[beer] it doesn't replace a meal, but a good add on if you need calories"

oh wow.
You're more senseless than I thought, scary how you know plain shit
> said the gym trainer who seriously said that a beer is good meal addition.
> running out of arguments
> hurr durr you are senseless , dont know shit derp herp
> lives in a country where females got more testosterone than males
honestly - a beer replaces a meal. (and has good digestible carbohydrates)
so these calories are good investigated as long as you keep it low
investigate calories
it doesn't replace a meal, but a good add on if you need calories
well actually it could if beer didn't act as an appetizer
cant remember the last time i read so much bullshit in just one single sentence :DD


> alcohol destroys vitamin c and vitamin b complex in your body
> alcohol got loads of calories
> alcohol dehydrates
> alcohol enlarges the kidneys, alters hormone function
> alcohol increases the risk of cancer in the liver, pancreas, rectum, breast, mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus

if you are on a proper diet and watch your calorie intake , why would you go for a beer from a nutritional point of view ? there is none.

come at me bro
Who is talking about the negative effect of alcohol you ass? For trainees who seek for beat results, extra calories is the best assuming he received the protein and fat needed dailyAlcohol is not the best option but doesn't hurt, have some fun u brainless human
ye and beer is the only calorie source you know ? what has beer to offer ? no vits , no minerals , no protein , just shitty alcohol sideeffects and calories , nothing to offer = empty calories

if you need calories coz you are on a bulk and you actually drink beer to get on the calorieamount you need you should stop workin out right there.
jesus you have to generate a calorie-overplus to build up muscels so how the hell should a beer or alcohol be "bad" against that anyway? you need atleast about 3000kcal per day of which you cant just fill up with protein (you dont even need to) so why should you...

sry i cant go discussing about that,its simply so stupid it hurts,if you are on diet (so why would you want to build up muscels than?) than you just have to look at your calorie-intake but it doesnt fucking matter if you just drink beer the whole day or eat tuna only, calorie is calorie and there is no "empty" calorie bullshit,there is maybe protein which you need to build muscel-mesh but muscle doesnt even build up when you are on a diet so this is just a paradoxon
1. 3000kcal is based on what ? you cant make it that fix ... lots of ppl are clean bulkin with a caloric plus of like 200cals ... so you could calculate your daily calorie expenditure with the forumla: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age + 5 and add your activities to that.
Biggest benefit is that you dont have to cut for month.

2. the word diet doesnt mean that you are on a caloric deficit , it just means that you are in control of the foods that you consume.

3. You obviously dont know your shit , a empty calorie is just a energy source without any benefitting vitz , minerals or anything ... you just said that it doesnt matter if i take 3000 cals with beer to me with like no vitmanins , aminoacids , fat or protein ... your body doesnt work as easy as you think brah

YOU NEED vitaminA to grow
YOU NEED vitaminC for your conjunctive tissue
YOU NEED vitaminB to re-produce blood

EDIT: you should click

>Definitions of diet on the Web:

* a prescribed selection of foods
oh man you are talking so much but your saying nothing.all you say is general stuff which everybody knows but it has nothing to do with the subject...
its just so annoying to talk with you because you have no clue and you think just because you read some bodybuilder bullshit on the internet which wants to sell you supplements and now you think OMG I NEED 1000mg VITAMIN A PER DAY THATS THE ONLY CHANCE I CAN GROW OMG!!!!!

first of has ALOT of vitamins and minerals and also aminoacids and what your saying is just plain stupid.anyway the whole story with only drinking beer and nothing else was only to make a point jesus christ,ofcourse nobody will do that and ofcourse its not the best thing to do.if you eat normally,you will have everything you need for your body,and than it doesnt fucking matter if you drink a beer or not,if you let out the bread in the evening or whatever it doesnt fucking matter,only the calorie-count is whats counting and not what you eat (ofcourse the protein need to be enough to build up,but this isnt even worth mentioning snce everybody should know that already .....)

but you know what,im sick of writing with idiots,if you dont like alcohol,dont drink it, if you think alcohol will eat up your muscles and give you 20% body fat,well then dont drink it
your first post was full of shit,
your second post was full of shit,
you dont know what a diet ist
you come up with stupid shit that you need atleast 3k calz to grow

"Standartized" Beer Nutrional Info
for 365g Beer


Water: 327.38 g
Calories: 153
Protein: 1.64 g
Carbohydrates: 12.64 g
Fiber: 0 g
Total Fat: 0 g


Calcium: 14 mg
Iron: 0.07 mg
Magnesium: 21 mg
Phosphorus: 50 mg
Potassium: 96 mg
Sodium: 14 mg
Zinc: 0.04 mg
Vitamin C: 0 mg
Thiamin: 0.018 mg
Riboflavin: 0.089 mg
Niacin: 1.826 mg
Pantothenic Acid: 0.146 mg
Vitamin B6: 0.164 mg
Vitamin B12: 0 mcg
Folate: 21 mcg
Vitamin A, IU: 0 IU
Vitamin E: 0 mg
Vitamin K: 0 mcg


beta Carotene: 0 mcg
beta Cryptoxanthin: 0 mcg
Lycopene: 0 mcg
Lutein and Zeaxanthin: 0 mcg

ALOT OF VITAMINS , wtfamireading.jpg
high in sodium high in carbs

about the rest of the stuff you wrote , i never said beer is poison or that 1 can fucks you up , the whole discussion is about me saying that i dont drink alcohol / beer due to empty calories and shit taste + the suggestion of pala which is just stupid ... anything that contains alcohol is never really a good addition. but ye i dont feel like typing anymore
:D heinken are good with commercials lately xD
Haha, they are good at this :D
They've had these things for centuries. They're called women :D
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