Justin Bieber 3D MOVIE \o/

So when I first read this news I thought this had to be a troll! But after browsing google it turned out to be a true story!!

QuoteEXCLUSIVE: Paramount Pictures has made a deal to turn Justin Bieber's life story into a 3D feature biopic. Davis Guggenheim, the Oscar-winning director of An Inconvenient Truth, is negotiating to direct. The film doesn't have a title, but Bieber will play himself in the film. The pic will be sprinkled with performances from his current concert tour. The film will come out February 11, 2011 on Valentine's Day weekend. Manager Scooter Braun and Island Def Jam chairman L.A. Reid will produce the film. Because when you think of romance, you think of a 16-year old who looks much younger. This comes as Bieber made a deal with HarperCollins for a memoir about his life. Is there some explosive secret story that requires multiple platforms to tell? Probably not, but this kid has become enough of a juggernaut for film execs and publishers to see a potentially huge audience for these properties. The YouTube, Facebook and Twitter star has made himself into the most viewed recording artist on YouTube. How popular is he? The video for his recent song, Baby, attracted 270 million views on Youtube. Many think that one reason The Karate Kid overperformed on its opening weekend was because of the video that Bieber made with Jaden Smith. Meanwhile, we're all waiting breathlessly for the inevitable sequel -- Justin Bieber, Puberty: The Testicles Descend.

Can't wait guys
Bieber must die!
image: justin-bieber-my-world-2
U just mad cuz he's stylin 'on ya!
I already have tickets reserved.
I heard he is writing his own book :DDDDDD
This is a sign of the end of the world.
i rly like america, but hes just a reason for not beeing american -_-
he's canadian, dumbass
north american :PP

this makes my day! ;;D
omfg evryone who likes him and his stupid music is a fckin gay
i love his music, he is pretty talented you know
Quote fckin gay
why are you gay if you just like his music? music is a very personal thing!
k, i dont like his genre anyway....but look: how old is he? 14? and he steps down the streets with some niggers feelin cool and gangster .... i dont like that.... boys like him should better go to school and get smth into their brains instead of foolin around with some handicapped fuckers with no life-experience except getting 9 bullets into the body
don't judge those niggers just because they are black! and justin is so much older in his mind and music than his age makes you think...

stop being so ignorant and open yourself for his great talent
you must be the sarcasm god!
not :DD

damn dude how can u deal with that? you love the music of a 14 year old wnb nigger....
the persons he is making music with, are exactly that kind of people who are talkin bout hard life and tough gettostorys.... imo, he should find his own way....cuz when he grows up like this, he will be an ignorant, arrogant, (too)proud wnb....
boys like him should better go to school and get smth into their brains instead of foolin around with some handicapped fuckers with no life-experience

OR OR.. make fucking million's while your still underaged. Hmm what a fucking hard choice that is
ofc i would choose the money aswell :DD but u know that money and publicity change people... and he definetely will.....
doe normaal man:p
:D jonge wat denk je zelf

e: wow, wie is die chick?
welke chick?:o
beter leen je dr uit
das mn kippie! :D
ze lijkt eerder op n meisje dan n kip tbh
nee, tis n kippie!
stop making so many journals about that guy.u obsessed?
omg u jaelous?
weird thing happened that i saw 2 kids on a bike listening music on their phone and i saw them looking like real Gs then i heard it was justin bieber and that was just weird man
a girl was stabbed by a broken justin bieber CD, there is....One Less Lonely Girl
probably released in 2012 , and to wipe out all man kind
Justin who? I think im gettin too old for this community =S
Ill go with overboost :)

seriously man kind is dying
Bullshit prick die already.
He can't sing without autotune lol, but has some catchy tunes, not my kind of music tho
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