wifi :'(

so i got meself an old pc to work with. i installed a wifi usb stick. didnt work. so i tried another one. didnt work either. next i installed a wifi pci card. didnt work either.

im sure all my network settings are ok, because i already installed wifi @ my neighbours but i keep getting this problem:

My wifi card/usb stick finds the local network, starts connecting next disconnects, connects, disconnects and keep on doing this forever.

i already did a format
tried mutliple wifi sticks/pci cards
and im really getting pissed off atm

sad panda,
maybe the wireless router is the problem then? Or the adapter is too far from it to pick up a signal.
Quoteim sure all my network settings are ok, because i already installed wifi @ my neighbours

signal strenght is at 99%
settings are ok for sure

the adapter finds the networks, starts connecting and sais everything is ok, next it disconnects. finds the network again, starts connecting next disconnects.
Misschien zit er een soort blokkade tussen jou & de router ;o
fuck xfire :'(
Prolly the problem is the USB port, try another like a PCI USB card with VIA chipset.These PCI cards for USB are not so expensive so you can try it, it worked when my mouse was discon/reconning all the time @ USB.
I had the same, I went back to the store and it appeared that the router was fucked up. Got a new one, everything is working fine now.

Did you install the latest firmware on your router? Did you already do a cold restart ( power off for 15 seconds ).
never mind, ill bring back the wireless stuff to the shop
i just drilled some holes and used a cable

btw: why cant I delete my own journals :'(
So I can post useless comments when nobody is gonna read it anyway :)

No rly, try that PCI card with USB on it, it will work.
No it didnt.

wifi usb in mobo usb ports didnt work
wifi usb in extra add-on usb pci card didnt work
wifi pci card didnt work

all had the same problem
argh.. It seemed so much like my USB problem... Well, fuc it.. Though you need to check what chipset that addon USB card uses. There are 2 different chipset brands that are common used. I had the wrong 1 first, so I switched it in PCshop for the VIA chipset USBcard.Sometimes the brand just curses with certain products.
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