job @ McDonald`s?

just came back from a trial day for working @ McBitchonald`s and fucked hell... to all people that have experience with working there................................................. deepest condolence.. :|
haha my brother worked there for almost 2 years, he quit when he got the chance to become manager there xD
if i would work there i wouldnt tell anyone
2 of my friends works in McDonald's and they both say its fucking shit place to work :D
Send your condolences to Speedy-Bozar.

...just kidding :(
yes our deepest condolences go to Speedy Bozar, just look how the kid ended up, from a great philosopher to a busted cheater with schizophrenia, the old Bozar will always be in our hearts, such a pity, when i laid my eyes on him i knew there was something special, the telekinesis, perfect tracking, 0ms reflexes, i said to myself "he is the one we have been waiting for", but yet again Mc Donalds has stolen one of the greatest human beings to have ever walked on this planet and turned him into a slave.

jk he's a fag
made my day =)
hahhaha :D whos Speedy Bozar? :D
that my friend, is a fantastic question.
i seriously dont know, i came along that name many times and read it a lot, but no idea :O
I dunno why I get this vibe from you that you are long haired metal head
i was :D today im looking like.. an ... italian poser with hardcore metal touch :D
Nobody has concluded a reasonable explanation of what Speedy Bozar is, some believe he is a prophet, some an evil spirit, some also reckon he is the messiah, but honestly, i think he is my god.

Some Scientists have tried to classify him under the phylum "homo sapiens" but not only did Speedy Bozar qualify the requirements, he over-qualified, putting him somewhere in between the human race and god, it is believed that he is the mediator between the two, just like Jesus Christ.

jk he's just a faggot
No really who is he.. he pms me to play all the time and now he just vanished. Seen him post that hes looking for a high skilled team on cf. Tell me his history!
there should be a column about him, one comment isn't enough!
how can one not know speedy bozar....

so let me tell you: if butchji and maus are highskilled, then speedy is levels above em. And the best thing is, he isnt just uberskilled in ET, he is high skilled in every fuckin fps game you can think of.

so all in all, speedy is gods prototype of a perfet PC player!

And now the real story: He is just the biggest cheater you can think of! Now you know
LoL. I saw some video of him tracking corners on walls saying he was da best ;)
AH! :D now i know where i know him from.... XDDDDDDDDD

LULz with higher sens.... makes no sense.
Nice stealing my joke, buttmunch.
Better as nothing hm?
ahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaahahhahahaah :DDDD:DDDD:DDDD:DDDD:DDDD:DDDD:DDDD:DDDD serisli, good luck.
What do you have to do ?
do you take orders or flip burgers, or both?
Cleaning up the toilets would be another possibility!
taking orders and clean tables and the floor. and getting roared by the manager.....

seriously, fuck that job :<
I have to do the same, after like some more times I will be flipping them burgers!
syndicate I am one of the few on here who have actually expereienced exactly the same thing you're going through right now, I worked in maccy dee's for almost 3 years and in all honesty it had an "OK" impact on my work ethic however it's seriously something to be considering moving on from cuz it will become horrible washing all the grease from your hair and skin.
i bow down in front of you, master! HAIL!
its alright tbh, just shower when you get home, have separate work bag/items etc = no grease infestation into social life
Wow.. do not ever work in the fast food industry or the food industry period. Unless you are a chef or a host your life will be awful.
I actually work there. Have worked only two times though, can't really say anything good or bad about it. I'm 17 so can't really care about it.
I wouldnt even work there if I get paid 20 euro for 1 hour
nah, you prefer to stay behind ur pc right? :) For 20euro/hour I surely would do it!
No, I would prefer some other job and got less payed
I would for 20e an hour.
So how much you earn now? and where?
atm I dont work but when I was I earned around 8 I guess :S
Yiu dont want to know how much ppl earn here and prices are mostly the same :|
I know its shit
so what exactly is/was shit about it? the smell? hygiene? fatties all around? low-paid? boring work?

Seems to me it's easy work and you can eat as much as you want :)
ok let me be honest...

the smell is UGLY, i still feel bad and coulndt eat anything since i came back :|
hygiene is not too bad i think, as long as everyone is following strictly all rules.
fatties around... YES!
low-paid? it depends, its low, but its enough actually.
boring? well.. there will die 5`000 braincells every 10 min.
and after seeing how pommes are made, and those potatoes that get deep-fried in a sauce that looks like i vomited and shited 10 times in it and then mixed it with the McFlurry mixer.
and eat? if you`re there, you will NOT eat anything anymore :(
how much do you get paid?
afaik payment is shit here
and they can eat for an amount of 10€ at the end of the day
would like to work there aswell, maybe only nights but i guess u cant choose
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