job @ McDonald`s?
4 Aug 2010, 15:49
just came back from a trial day for working @ McBitchonald`s and fucked hell... to all people that have experience with working there................................................. deepest condolence.. :| deepest condolence.. :|
...just kidding :(
jk he's a fag
Some Scientists have tried to classify him under the phylum "homo sapiens" but not only did Speedy Bozar qualify the requirements, he over-qualified, putting him somewhere in between the human race and god, it is believed that he is the mediator between the two, just like Jesus Christ.
jk he's just a faggot
so let me tell you: if butchji and maus are highskilled, then speedy is levels above em. And the best thing is, he isnt just uberskilled in ET, he is high skilled in every fuckin fps game you can think of.
so all in all, speedy is gods prototype of a perfet PC player!
And now the real story: He is just the biggest cheater you can think of! Now you know
stunning tracking
LULz with higher sens.... makes no sense.
do you take orders or flip burgers, or both?
seriously, fuck that job :<
Seems to me it's easy work and you can eat as much as you want :)
the smell is UGLY, i still feel bad and coulndt eat anything since i came back :|
hygiene is not too bad i think, as long as everyone is following strictly all rules.
fatties around... YES!
low-paid? it depends, its low, but its enough actually.
boring? well.. there will die 5`000 braincells every 10 min.
and after seeing how pommes are made, and those potatoes that get deep-fried in a sauce that looks like i vomited and shited 10 times in it and then mixed it with the McFlurry mixer.
and eat? if you`re there, you will NOT eat anything anymore :(
and they can eat for an amount of 10€ at the end of the day
would like to work there aswell, maybe only nights but i guess u cant choose