What would be considered peado?

I'm 23, how long can I go age wise?

image: jailbait7
Her face looks like mine!
that girl has the face of Wakizashi
Do you look at the mantle piece when you poke the fire?
oh dont get me wrong, when rating girls on a scale from 1 to 10, the face is only worth one point
age/2 + 7.
if there is grass on the field , play ball.
damn, what movie? :D
shes asking for it when dressed like that
ur age doesnt matter, just be sure her age is above the limit sets by law :)
Thats 15 in slovenia.
And still, he/she has to agree.
np 4 me, I would never try to force any girl to sleep with me
anything older than 18 is okay even though you prolly dont wonna go under 20 as they r just too infantile to have fun with.

Vanaf elf kiezen ze zelf
age/2+7 = 18.5
when there is grass on the field play ball
I'm 27 and won't touch anything below 21, do your math :D
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