High ping problem

At my new place i only have a 3G connection, its alright usually i ping around 100-120

but sometimes it lagspikes and i go 700-800 ping for awhile... meanwhile i can see all other players move around normally but i just cant move

any ideas?
haha, fix your mouse first
(t)rolled hard
fix ur aim 1st hurensohn
basicly this is not about the speed of your connection more about the bandwith

you cant do anything against it :(
well oke, just weird that it works rly nice sometimes and sometimes not ;]
ammoman! hows life?
your upload is fucked up, bad signal / too much traffic in ur area

sometimes restarting your internet does the job sometimes not
when u lag and cant do anything but see all the other players, then your upload is rly high.
atleast its like that in my case.

i guess its your provider.. i have 3g for my mobile phone.. sometimes everything is fine nad sometimes i wait 700years for loading a smiple site
im not uploading anything :p
if you play ET, then you upload a whole lot :P
all your movements and actions is uploaded to the master server.
yes but someone else who uses the connection might be uploading?

your provider might be overloaded too
noone else is using this connection... maybe some1 in the building is stealing...

anyway to protect it?
actually i think your providers 3g is just overused and thats why its laggy
3G is horrible for gaming so get used to it
what he others said. upload bandwitch exceeded
on your head son

that ping is good enough to throw an airstrike inside
im laying the smackdown daily with my leet lagger ping!
gonner take that abuse from that smelly rat?
u CANT play with that inet, try it with pb on and u'll get 500-900 ale the time
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