22" LCD and ET resolution problem

I got an 22" screen, after I had a 17", but now, even at r_mode 4, the resolution is sprayed all over the screen, and I don't have black boxes. How do I make it have black boxes so it will look like 17"?
clicky my profile
there are answers.
i checked...theres nothing there?
click my profile
there are hot pictures
hits whore ashashashsahshs
check if your LCD does even have this feature :P
or press the buttons randomly
it does..i had this screen before and it worked
check monitor menu
also did :<
you have an example of how it should look like?
clicky my profile
there are answers.
gaming lcd 22" wide, native 4:3 mode, r_mode 6 r_displayrefresh 120 ding ding ding
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_customwidth "768"
seta r_mode 6
doesnt work :(
ATi or nVidia, force it in drivers (force no scaling) its what I do to play @ 1024x768 on my 23" and not have it stretched to shit
thanks, do you have any idea how to disable that in the nvidia control panel?
In nVidia its under... Adjust desktop size and position, atleast thats what it is for me, to force it to turn on I manually set the resolution to 1024x768 and No Scaling, then put the resolution back to 1920x1080 usually forces it to stay in No Scaling (has a nasty habit of not staying forced always) once you get it working it should always work unless you update drivers maybe or something

Edit: Missed Reply earlier and apparently posted it as a new comment >_>
Weird I only have:

"1. Select the display you would like to change"
<picture of an CRT display>

"Click on the arrow button to adjust the screen position"
<picture of a screen with 4 arrows, where u can click each and move the screen position>

Nothing else. :/
Ahh you're probably on a VGA monitor, I am hooked up with DVI, uhhh I could hook my monitor up through VGA later and figure it out maybe, sorry : /

Edit: Alright I just completely forgot to click reply @.@
No problem, I'm glad o found the problem, I was hopeless until you came

"Check the radial box hit apply, then when the "Are you sure you would like to keep these settings? Reverting in.." dialog appears, open up task manager and end the nvcplui.exe before the timer ends. Doing so sucesfully turned scaling off"
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