QQ Quick question

What is it with all these female singers putting rap parts in their songs and then think it suddenly makes their shitty music awesome?

image: cutiepie
Dont know, sorry. :P
GGG Good Guestion GIRL
gimme a good example
huh? katies been around for a while now and that snoopdog aswell

both 2 badasses creating a hit , clearly its gonna hype the teenagers for a while.

where was the rap part in cascadas song?


anyway songs will get mixed by different races = listeners from both races will adore it
That's why I said 'all these female singers' and not 'all the new female singers'.

For the Cascada song: 2:15 (I know it's fairly short, but still...)
cascada is a ugly bitch. she will be fat in 10 years.
a typical body of a random north american guuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl
Way better is if a hiphop song has decent female vocals.
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