Logo painting

im gonna try to paint a logo on my freshly painted keyboard
ill use nail varnish as paint
The problem is, I dont know how to get a nice and clean looking logo
Ive tried cutting out my nickname out of cardboard but it fucked up a little

tips would be great

image: xaz21w
Geen saiko logo meer :|
was te veel letters = te veel werk
Just needs a dick on it, that's all..
Just paper maybe? You can cut it with a knife so the edges are smooth... I guess you have to make sure the paper isn't too thin :D
tape the rest of the keyboard and use some spray
cant you just draw it in pencil first, use a black marker as outline over the pencil and then paint it with really thin brushes or something?
Is that what you taught the kids in school Mike? :pppp
we use fingers, cotton buds, potatoes, sponges, you name it ;D
I might try that, I wanted to make a background + text + outline with different colors, but thats too hard I guess
you could still do that with paints?
Is that a question :P?

Anyway im gonna try what you suggested
dont hold me responsible if you make it look shite!
I wont :D
bangbros en dan al onze fotos! mij het grootst want ik benhet mooiste ofc.
aahahha pprzi
just write " kurwa "
or owieczka = king
ye owieczka is much better :D
You sir is a real geek :)

EDIT: Checked your profile. Emma Watson definitly owns :) You're now one of my best e-buddies :DD
just buy a new keyboard you like
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