need your help

Hi as u can see in my profile picture i have problems in my face ... this red things dont go away and im frustrated :( And as this problem isnt high , i am in love in a girl who is 12 ( im 13) so maybe you can help me or give intentions how i can make this red things away from my face and get this wonderfull girl pls i need help

random flaggs Germany , United Kingdom , Iceland
id rather make i get rid of that ugly thing around ur neck
metaal allergie
i think burn em away!
dunno dude, try see a doctor (v21) u can get rid of them fast, but u need special care :P
typo: u meant 31 instead of 13 didnt u ?
those red things are normal. just stick to your computer!
you have acne , or likely the beginning of acne. The only Cure is Eating Healthy , Training , and go to a dermatologist or sumin
yah, cuz im from a nice island
thx for some information
i think its very healthy to stay at home and eating stuff who hasgot a lot of sugger like a cake or somethink a snickers drink coke and stuff but what about my needles ?? i think they represent the real man , like the man is very strong and stuff dont u think ?? its very sexy some mans told me in bus that they like this think on my neck :P
dont eat chocolate...
if its just spots then cover them in toothpaste for the night and wipe it off in the morning, dont get any stuck in your hair though!!
u had spots at 13 ?
at 18 ive given up drinking for life, twice
im 17 and have never had them

guess im a bit late :S
my friends 25 and he just got acne ;/
ive heard that washing face doesnt help , i rather shouldnt clean myself every day in shower etc.. ?? Need Help pls i need your opinions HELP ME PLS PLS
go to a D O C T O R and tell him to subscribe you to anti acne medication / creams like benozyl peroxide
Its not like washing your face will make them go away all of a sudden. Just clean your face regularly and they'll go away after a while.
Hi pulsar!
Hi pulsar!
You killed people with those spikes?
HAHAHAHA omg i lol'd irl. ANd you really think your face is the main problem.
die of acne
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