wooden hamster villa

Aloha crossies,

as my lovely image: 18263 decided that we're in need of something "alive" in our flat, she bought a hamster nearly 1 week ago.
But as i've seen this shit cage she brang with i decided to build him one by my own. so i simply want to share my new pet and it's villa with you guys:)

That's why i took some pictures of georgie, thats his name, and his almighty villa which he's owning now. Here we go...

Sry for the bad quality, the pics are taken with my handy!

My hamster georgie (he is a she but i like the name georgie so it's her problem)

image: lkamxvkd

image: jyqzba3u

Georgies almighty wooden villa

image: t6eipmb6

image: iczpq3ac

image: 4clpvfhy

Her villa has 3 floors so far, which are connected with 2 ladders, 1 wooden cottage, 3 little tunnels made out of toilet paper roles and ofc a sand bath.

I was also thinking about some real trees which i'll collect in the forest or maybe just simply buy 1 or 2.
Do you have also a hamster or some similar pet? if yes show me also a pic if him / his cage maybe? what could i add / change in my current cage?

Thank's for reading fellas, i hope you've enjoyed this little insight into georgie and his villa. Have a nice day!
it looks ok, a bit too white tho
i cant see the pictures :'[
Service Temporarily Unavailable
sry, fixed it!
sry, fixed it!
pix aint working
sry, fixed it!
Look cool man! : D
hey, if you made its house out of wood - i hope you put the house inside something metal... the hamster will chew its way through the wood and then you wont have a hamster anymore because it will live under your floorboards!
ye, i've also heared about it already. so you mean something like a metal bowl? or should be enough right? so he can't escape if he should bite through.
put a wire mesh around the outside or something. he will just chew through the wood and make an escape
wouln't he also be able to escape through the mesh?
not if its tight mesh?

image: Woven%20Wire%20Mesh

nice job though, looks amazing :D
all right thanks for the tip. but i can also put the mesh inside the wall right? don't need to be outside cause it's looking ugly.
yeah i was thinking that too :P you could maybe even use hard plastic sheets
well i think i'll use the metal mesh cause i don't want that she still has a "view" on the wood :)
Pierre on 06/08/10, 14:27:40 Del | Edit | Reply

simple plastic is enough to stop hamster :)
and watchout with the top if she can lift it up she might kill herself (mine did it), she lifts it up and tries to go trough but then it falls down again and boem hung itself
ye man, i've already noticed that. she is sitting on her cottage which is on the 3rd floor and close to the wall / cover^^
so make sure she cant lift it up with a lock or something like it
fail pics are fail
sry, fixed it!
quite a nice job there but eventually she will bite her way out of it :) used to have a hamster so take my word for it
ye, i've also heared about it already. so you mean something like a metal bowl? or should be enough right? so he can't escape if he should bite through.
simple plastic is enough to stop hamster :)
so it would be enough to add some "plastic walls" outside of the walls + outside the ground right?
tbh I'd put it inside because in some time hamster can harm the contruction itself, those little bastards really like wood :D and paper, give it some paper sometimes
ye i've also red about that paper thing. it's simply newspaper sites you're putting into the cage? or blank paper? they like to burst the paper right?
I think blank paper would be better at least from my experience, also toilet rolls are cool for hamster, they like to sit inside them and then eat them :D
Her villa has 3 floors so far, which are connected with 2 ladders, 1 wooden cottage, 3 little tunnels made out of toilet paper roles and ofc a sand bath.

all right, thanks for your help so far hater ;)
anyway, didn't you say your gf bought it? :D TELL HER TO DEAL WITH THIS! :D
haha, ofc i've told her already. but if you'll leave your stack someday and get a girlfriend you will know how this shit is going on :D
me and gf? :DDDDDDDD haha u mad bro
is this mice cribs?
black hamster
actually his back is grey and the belly is white :)
Hope the sex is good, otherwise time wasted.
hamster rules
its too big, get a male hamster and see what happens
glad you give him (her) much space :)
i had 2 guinea pigs but they needed so much cleaning n stuff so finally we had to sell them :(
I have 5 and cleaning isnt that much work rly :)
my guinea pigs were shitting so much so i had to clean their cage like 3 times per day and all they did was sitting in that god damn house
thats normal, they like to hide :) theyre not like hamsters

well I have 2 places for them in/outside and 1 clean each 1 time a week
gerbils are so much more fun than hamsters :) they are more active.

Used to keep loads of gerbils and my name is Gerrard so got the nick name gerbells :P
well, it's not that she is not active (well tbh could be a bit more). but mostly they're in in the night, when i have to got to sleep cause of work :/
Sizewise, its like fueldump for hamsters
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