
haha im finaly on my new hdd with ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!
ubuntu pwnd windows (i cant find that sign xD)

btw any one knows where i can get irc for it? :P
you got ET to work yet?
no im downloading it :o
nice english. at least it was you who told me to attend to an english course. lol
einmal ein spast, immer ein spast .. da wird sich auch nichts dran ändern ;)

hi limbo ;)
hi rene!
wie gehts so :D
mhm, he just wants to hack with linux, its easier with linux he said :D
nicht schlecht editiert, immer noch falsch :(
tut mir leid ich versteh kein wort von dem was du laberst ich versteh nun mal kein lowskillisch
fuck hart gedissed
How can it pwn so much when you dont even find around in it? btw apt-get install irssi-text for a nice irc client.
i find around it but i have to much to do so i was just thinking about making a journal maybe theres a nice guy who could give me a link of some irc :(
Go to applications, Internet and use gaim for irc. Iam also using ubuntu atm and will probably install it when i get my new hard drive tomorrow :)
can u connect to your bnc with it?
warst du nicht der mit den kühen? ich brauche hilfe pm mich mal :p
xD google nach dem namen vom spiel und "lösung" hab net seite gefunden mit codes und screenshots von den lösungen aber hab den link auf der alten platte :/
:( ich sitze seit 2 stunden an der einen runde^^

btw saug dir xchat der rest ist müll :/
I havent tried, when i was on windows i had to use Putty to connect to a freebsd server and then use BitchX to use irc and then manually connect to my bnc so i doubt i can connect so easily on linux.
I'm also using ubuntu from today..
and I've got to say I really like it
Silent use X-Chat, it is already installed on your Ubuntu btw >_> (for irc that is).
And on other news, atm I am using Ubuntu ver. 5.04, going to update to 6.10 tomorror! yay
Heathen, irssi is god.
X-Chat isnt on my ubuntu and i downloaded the latest :x
at least it was on EVERY OTHER UBUNTU DISTRO OUT THERE. Well anyway, just open Synaptic or apt-get x-chat :) or download it from the site if you dont want to get lazy.
You installed linux to use your brandnew aimbot+wh pack!
i know i did :D
omg thanks now every one knows it xD nah i just installed it coz i got a new hdd (coz my old one is kind of fucked up with tons of spywarez viruses n stuff [format doesnt help that much its kind of broken always crashes n stuff])
that means more fps in et!! :P
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