Movie: The Blind Side

Yesterday i watched the movie The Blind Side
i think this movie is a great movie belongs with one of my favo atm
here is the trailer:
(watch in HD)

every one who is able to download movies you should give it a try
i found it prety sad and nice at the same way

have a great night cf

E: this is a true story
I is sad panda now :(
jeh good movie and sandra bullox was great also
the first moments of Big mike aka micheal make me think hes going to cry

Sorry for my bad english :(
push this thread down plx
and why is that
looks like hollywood trash imo
only adam sandler missing to make it complete bullshit
ur so rong EMO
yeah so im rong?rong really?
and your calling me EMO while you "totaly got in to this movie" ?
nvm :D
emos dont like true storys and they cut ther self and have no life

gnight sire
der film is wirklich gut und hat nich viel mit typischen hollywood scheiss zu tun
kein klischee-müll ala armer junge aus dem ghetto wird zum star und alles ist supi? dann geb ich dem film denk ich ma nen chance..
looks liek the biggest hunk of shit. american 'feel good' movie, ignoring the fact that sandra bullock is a shit actress, and all realisms of the world.
this movie is a great movie i must agree with you about feel good movie
but this movie is not the same
to be honest i totaly got in to this movie :$
was pretty good :)
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