Final Lost episode

Are they still Lost?
I predict I'm going to get very angry very soon.
cant get angrier over here
I'm not even gonna bother...
Wish I had done the same.
hm interesting :X
many don't like LOST cuz they watched season 1 and when they saw the polar bear, they stopped watching it.
the explanation in the final concidering the polar bear wouldn't have been neccessary since it was too late and tbh I didn't like the explanation of the polar bear. so i guess it was smart to remove this part from the final.
riveting tale chap
Cannot remember shit from last episode, dunno if I'll watch.
i dont get it at all meight.
first of all where did the publish it =? and why wasnt it nowhere to be seen in the series ?
dont get whats it about as well :/
ofc i watched every episode nstuff.
Wow, that was arguably the most boring ten minutes I've had in the last year, and I'm far frm happy about it.
So uhm yeah ....
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