idle... wtf or?

idle lost 2 games on same day, lost vs cdap, lost vs zP...
wtf is going on? is this all because night is not with them?
And when night comes back will they be the same idle as before?

your an idiot.



Anyway 5o5 > all !!
night is like 50% of the team as it seems :/

but ye still wp
try to rotate 3 posis 1h before the match, that's 50% i would say, night himself is 25%
i know its hard :/ and i guess everyone can understand it except all the noobs
except 99,96% xfire :) wp btw
kinda true :/
glad you admit it yourself
JaKaZc was a pro rifle though!
hmm lol thats very "rofl"...
need more idle yournals

it was the worst experience i had... snoop having an orgasm on comms :DDD

ggs, sux not having night :X
Vendeta imo, idle will own them next time :)
omg so idle lost, care, plz cry fanboi
yeah, idle maybe never played without night...and this was a new situation...i read several arrogant comments, you need check idle with night before blaming them, and anyways they put a lot on the table yet, so please

and congrats for cdap and zp
how stupid could ppl be?
cut the whine and the "omg idle are shit now they lost 2 matches"
its 5on5 not 6on6 teams like us and idle vib or any other team that are together more then a month had more pracs as a 6on6 team.

cdap are kinda new and played more 5on5s, its easier for a new team 2 play 5on5 cuz they arent used 2 6on6s as a team.
same with zp, they played 5on5s from the day they were announced as a team so i think the results were obvious.

playing 5on5 for teams (that prac 6on6) that are together more then a month is eactly like playing a new map (crevasse for example).
ye, thats the second reason
its not a reason its a fact.
well idle won over cdap before and it was 5on5. i think its more about the lineup change than 5on5 vs 6on6. anyways 5on5/6on6 discussions are getting boring, just adopt to it.
thats not entirely soon. we have 8 players in our lineup so we play 6on6 like all the time... we only rly played 5on5 in the TFL 1-day Cup
and a couple of games before the qualis

u guys just didnt have good preperation to the game due to several reasons and idle without night just isnt idle, zP and us just took up the opportunity :)

i still believe that at 6on6 idle with night is still the best by far, then its us zP and amenti basicly equal/close to each other
you're overrating yourself and fobje, u can keep overrating yourself, but dont overrate fobje cos it goes to his head and then he'll start thinking he's God :(
Poland God?

im not rating individual players, im rating us as a team :P

everyone knows i suck as an individual player ;P
but still i bet fobje is already thinking he's GOD, not that noob polish Gott (that left without telling) :-<
bullshit. we always played 6on6
your team played the past 2/3 weeks 5on5s while teams like us and idle had 2 play 6on6s @ ESL so i think what I wrote above is a fact and not even a random opinion.
u were away for 2 weeks so maybe they played 5on5 then :P

but re:cdap its an opinion for sure :P

i can only say about my clan so .. :>
idle is till going to win ec and so one. who cares about a random lan in poland ?
okay, idle what?

live goes on, i guess! :o)

thx for all the money cdap & zP!
no mister, my whole world is now destroyed. i dunno what to do, i think ill go jump from the bridge
Damn, I wasn't @ home to see both of them :/
Nevermind It's a crap stuff
Move it to 6v6 and have night playing and see how well cdap pi/zp cope against idle/amenti
amenti are no way near on the same level as idle in 6on6..
good that its just your opinion :P
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