Proleague Final 11:00CET

It's a nice sunny afternoon in Korea, Republic of South Korea but on the beach today it's all about StarCraft.

(Brood War that is, none of that boring SC2 malarkey)

09:36 (fredd`) i was supposed to go shopping with my mom
09:36 (fredd`) but i forgot SPL finals when i said that
09:36 (fredd`) so now she mad

Korea, Republic of BISU FIGHTING!

Streams and stuff: <-- check on the right under calendar

Gonna be good.

(18:30:09) (@H2kTV|LennyBoy) so vods should be up tonight
(18:30:17) (@H2kTV|LennyBoy) wrong
(18:30:21) (@H2kTV|LennyBoy) tomorrow afternoon
(18:30:26) (@H2kTV|LennyBoy) need to render everything
(18:30:35) (@H2kTV|LennyBoy) which prob will take 10+ hours

Hopefully ready today.
But what about anime?
and fredd laughs at my " walk to the mall" sentence
i will watch Germany [img][/img] liquid`TheLittleOne vs Sweden [img][/img] SK.MaDFroG instead at 12CET ! :D
literally the biggest televised gaming matchup in the world and you choose to watch casuals instead

that's like watching some kids play football in the park when you could be watching fa cup final

your loss!
no, i just favor Sc2 over Sc:Bw atm :D

btw, MaDFroG back @ SK-Gaming
The difference being that the kids on the playground play for a couple thousand of $ as well :P
would that make it any more exciting as a viewer ?

if there were kids playing football in the park for a bunch of money, but they were still shit.
would you watch?
These guys aren't 'shit'.

They don't compare to Korean pro's who have played SC:BW for several years everyday for 10 hours I suppose, no shit, but they aren't shit.
shit in comparison, not shit in general
watch 2 koreans play starcraft broodwars hmmm no thanks i'll rather go finish SC2 :D
sup thomas :)
hi sami :)

not much, just chilling after lan, got some things i need to sort out :(

shame you couldn't make it, perhaps we will someday compete in a lan event?

regards, thomas
wtf is that for low game :D
Thought you were talking about Jupiler Pro League and I went like wut
go bisu kill them zergs!!!
SC never gets bored :)
too much cheese from skt! proxy rax + dts....... bisu :(
standard sk.
what are the teams rosters and matchups ?

Stop hating on SC2 all the time, you're acting as if it some sort of fisease.
Could you give me a tip about good headphones? :x
Bah, hoped for SKT to win :(
same, bisuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(

didn't know you watched SC brokkeri
Well I dont really follow the scene, but Ive watched them games everytime Ive seen your post about a tournament. The pro scene in SC is thrilling and curious, their games are fun to watch and the whole thing around these tournaments is just fantastic, the feeling is something abnormal for a normal pro ET player. All those fans, live audience, advertisement between the match and everything, its just weird and funny and the players have truly devoted themselves to the game, I can just watch and admire!

EDIT: And Im pretty sure I send you an inbox message about the journal that you made concerning best player in snb back in the days, gimme that url you blob!
Too true! It was amazingly fun to play on the stage at AEF :D, I kept typing shit in team chat but i forgot that the audience could see each of our screens. Felt so good to look up at the audience after that amazing frostbite round and actually see some stunned smiles from people :D

it would have been fun with SNB m8s though!
Yaya! Its a long way for the e-sports here in Europe still :/

Reikkeri <--- Hon-pro incoming!
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