Rapidshare account!!

Need one for a 6gig download, will delete cookie afterwards!
There must be some1 who knows and trusts me with an account ;)
rapidshare sucks :|
brb checking accounts, must have one somewhere

e: Traffic left: 0 Bytes & Traffic left: 1 GB :(
i got one, but i dont know you and i dont trust you!!
I got one but i hate to give stuff away for nothing in return
6gig, that's like what 20cents :p
go buy one bitch
buy one, even poor polak like me is able to do that
Don't have a visa or paypal. And it's only 6gigs, that's barely worth anything.
bank transfer? even from parents account
It seems you can pay by phone. Cost abit more, but I did it anyway since I have plenty of money on my mobile :)

Used to be only paypal and visa :o
Yeah on rapidshare site it used to be only paypal and visa, but you can buy account from official rapidshare reseller in your country :D
fucking poor junkie
not this shit again >:D
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