Pepe Busted

[16:48] <This user is now playing Hello Kitty Online>

Waiting for

"Krosan has given you a warning worth 30 points.
Quote private logs

Your currently have a total of 30 points, when you reach 100 you will be banned. The length of the ban is determined by how many warnings you have received; e.g. If you got banned on your 5th warning then your account will be disabled for 10 days "

Else we know that Krosan is a retarded admin that uses his rights on CF to shut people up about him. OH WAIT-
ohh nerd is mad :( watch out so he doesnt get mad and writes negative journals about you....ohh cant do that either CUZZA KROSAN PWN U MUMA LOOOOL WOHOOO
Krosan called me a fucking jew on my warserver
I ref muted him
He banned me from CF
Tosspot unbanned me
Krosan was mad 'cause I was stylin' on him <:
cry more babe
I'm not crying, I'm laughing tears. It may look similar, but it is different in the very essence
cry more babe
I'm not crying, I'm laughing tears. It may look similar, but it is different in the very essence
cry more babe
I'm not crying, I'm laughing tears. It may look similar, but it is different in the very essence
Krosan zal mij niet zomaar warning points geven, ofwel? <3
enkel die polak randdebiel seavio ;)
[18:48] Sol : Krosan is a huge fag
Haha, so fucking expected from that douchebag

Krosan has given you a warning worth 30 points.
Quote Insulting admins

Quite a low tolerance for insults for someone who openly calls other users "retards".
I haven't been warned yet, and I think I've said some worse stuff about him already. :D
He's angry because he's lost every single flamewar with me 100 to 0, now he doesn't even reply but smashes WP's instead
he doesn't want to be identified with sad nerds like you, Vanhaomena! ;)
It's sad how he lost all fighting spirit :( It was funny to go 1on1
So you abuse your "adminrights" then whine when others does the same? JEW lolololl BAM THE BURNHAMMER
Learn to reply. Also learn that muting someone for badmouthing me on my server after warnings is not the same as banning me 'cause you're mad. :)
Muting someone cuz u got mad is the same as banning someone cuz u got mad...he just more powerful than you're a level 6 void trying to use ultimate when you havent even got ur mom nor ur treads yet....and krosan is more like lvl 8 medusa with 164 cs after 20 mins...fucking nerd your embarassing urself
"you're a level 6 void trying to use ultimate when you havent even got ur mom nor ur treads yet....and krosan is more like lvl 8 medusa with 164 cs after 20 mins..."


I feel devastated.
AHAHHA :DDD loved the dota comparaison :DDD!

btw there is actually a chinese guy call : ZSMJ that did 750 cs in 30/40 mins , pretty sick
what is CS? counterstrike? cocksucker? cumstain? computer science? customer service? coming soon? client server? case sensitive? colorado springs? cyber sex?
creep score. its the number of unit u kill. normally a farmer get like 200/300 per game, but this chinese guy got 700 :D
so ur answer is chinese supremacy?
zsmj leegeeend LGD their farming play wars?

And that dusa was imo average for him...his creepscore was amazing also told a story about a guy who overfarmed a lot instead of winning earlier....usually if u get the farm u need the first 25 its GG already....linkens+bfly and you should already be hard enough for your opponents to handle.
ye i play some CW, only Ehome and can stop him :D!
It is hard to compare dota-players as 2 people playing the same hero may play it completely different....Mushi for example is one of the best "carries" but his gameplay is mostly about killing others to make his team get an advantage...whereas Yamateh has amazing lane-control and last-hitting ability but never really helps his team. Yamatehs cs says to 90% if yamateh had a good or bad game whereas Mushis cs doesnt necessarily mean anything as he usually manages without.
ye i completly agree with u, what about yaphets' (nirvana.china) shadow fiend ? hes so imba with this hero ! we can say that asian are just too good :/ only DTS might have a chance
Chuan imo has an equally good shadowfiend...but at the same time shadowfiend is a lot less effective than it looks.

And about Asia vs EU etc.....EU only has about the same amount of people as random countries in asia hence it would be extremely hard to be the best.....though if you look at it as EU was merely a country then EU/US are doing really well. The only country who performs better per player is Thailand with Starsboba. Dota has around 300.000-350.000 gamers playing at every point of the day and out of those only 10-20 k are european whereas 300.000 k or so are asian, and add to that that they can live from dota. South america has the same amount of players as EU and haven't accomplished anything.
quality journal
No private logs its public :D:D:D:D
het is mij, robbert
I play it too :[
Where i can download it too? :<
I'm a level 10 white kitten.
haha Im level 11
(Where I can download it? =)
kitty niisan

I wonder how many girls play this game XD
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