jaegern busted

was watching that jaegern X3 movie that Skeit reposted :O)

and then I noticed THIS!
image: lolmousepad

look at his mousepad :o)

I was bored. Sorry
who? what? fuck you!
I'd trade my pad for that anyday
It's not only his mousepad! He even seems to be playing the game, or atleast the guy next to him. And since one guy is wearing an EYEBALLERS shirt, this could be well the time that EYE made a little comeback with the ETQW team (with alexL and Sgt.Pepper..) and him in the 1.6 team.
mm i thought the guy on the left was playing some sort of quake game on high fov :P
remy how bored are u tonight mate
pretty bored, trialing for a team, but dont really like the players in it :d
well theres always normality mate :p atleast until u get ur rockit invite eh :p
slowest fucking render I've seen since 1999. Jaegarn shoots well though.

EDIT: wow, waited more than half an hour for the whole thing to load and the quality is still weak. Epic. Simply epic.
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