I guess they could just buy lots of stuff, yeah. You can usually revoke any purchase for up to two weeks though? I regularly check my bank transfers so it shouldn't be a problem.
im pretty sure when someones talking about credit card he means just that but they made it like "OLOLOL we dont use credit cards no1 accepts it.. but we use bankcards lol"
Naw, there arent many stores in the netherlands that accept credit cards...its pretty much useless unless you go to very expensive restaurants or like...gucci stores and shit, and online stores..but the rest barely accept them! :(
- the money is immediately transfered from your paypal account to the account of the seller, so no 2-3 days waiting as usual with bank transfers.
You don't have to transfer the money in advance. PayPal automatically withdraws it from your bank account.
Don't know how to call it :P
actually i dont wanna know that but lol im confused
quakelive lives :) hope this works for them and they release a 'new game' like this
Also hf with the conversion rates ^^
i think youre maybe referring to a debit card. I.E a card you can use online, in a shop, at the bank, but it only gives you the money you own.
if your suggesting just taking credit from the bank is good. then i sincerely hope you get up to your eyeballs in debt and have to /kill.