
Just wondering if there is someone around who's giving away IRC bouncers , just been threw a couple of "Free BNC give away" channels , most got to the limit .
as a guy who gave away something like 200 bouncers away just for free in my good days , when I had my own servers , I know how much this 'whine' is fucked up , but I rly needs one..
so any ideas?
was their newswriter, their bnc went down 3 times and in the end I was supposed to get one for myself in a channel where I got instantly banned after going in.
dream? who?
/q kartez - gave me 4 for free :) nice guy in overall
Seems like hes offline,any channel where I can get him?
Got that , he's offline atm but I will try get him later tho,thanks :)
Btw,is that you snail?
/q kartez - gave me 4 for free :) nice guy in overall
They got no limit afaik
Mmh , When I said most of them got to the limit I ment to brainlag mostly ,
" 17:06 brainlag • BNC-Request: There are currently no free slots on this server."
And same for the rest of their 5 servers :(
I got my bnc from them for 2 years now...
Always it gets deleted/whatever I get a new one...
Thought they would still give them away
I doubt their server can handle unlimited bouncers... nor could the Quakenet IRC network handle unlimited connections... not to mention the internet itself... Actually, unlimited bouncers wouldn't even fit on the globe because the memory required to run them would logically take up unlimited amounts of space.
With no limit I ment they are still giving them away.
Don't use a bouncer, the person who gives you the bouncer can see all data supplied through it, unencrypted. This includes but is not limited to your Q auth and chanserv passwords to other networks.

Rather get a shell and run irssi in it. Or if you're really paranoid, run your own server and run irssi in it.
Im familiar with the risks , as a guy who used to give a away a lot of bouncers for free I'ev been accused giving them away just to steal some q auths , which I didnt.
But anyway I lost my old Q account so my new one is really useless .
About runing my own bouncer on a shell , I would love to to do so , it just I dont have a shell now :) and payin for one just for a bouncer process is pretty dumb tho.
Irssi isn't a bouncer, it's a client.
"the person who gives you the bouncer can see all data supplied through it, unencrypted"

So? I never had the intention to even look at the userfiles when I hosted a lot of bouncers, its not like you can't trust anyone :/

e: well gotta say, ofcourse I would never want a bnc from this guy :P
Too bad your not hosting pur3 bouncers anymore tho :)
You can't trust anyone in the internet - actually, you shouldn't trust anyone in the real world either.
Well, that you shouldnt trust anyone is a bit harsh but that you can't trust anyone for a real 100% is what I can agree with :P
Trust only at your self , anyway,got a bnc from "#brainlag" after wating a while from some bnc slot to be deleted. :}
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