gtv money

ok many people lost big fortunes today :)

how much did you loose? :P
Check my profile for my gambling stats!
out of money
On my profile are my gambling awards :D

41281; on idle Lost

25000; on idle Lost


66281; lost!!!!
omg you are a bancrut
dont know whether to laugh or cry, well i do lol xD
Quote26/10 22:45 idle 1.25 vs 5.00 cdap 34€ on cdap Won 170 €

thX @ p3rf0r4t0r
24742 €, np.
I lost 10

5 on amenti losing to zp
5 on amenti losing to cdap

You suck up to the wrong people, sorry.
I never had any money and just occasionaly bet on my fabourite teams :) no harm in that now ?
Hi sheep, not on msn tonight ?
i won 25, woohoo (only had 10 bucks)
This Estonia night I spend 30 Euros on my gf
Won 150 euros with zP and 240 euros with cdap

thx to both :)
Lost 30 € on cdap match. :)
and i lost twice with idle, plus aurea lost so about 150 euro :/
26/10 21:45 idle 1.25 vs 5.00 cdap 1400€ on idle Lost

lost 600 on idle :/
500 euros :(
I lost nothing (but 5000 the Estonia night before)
*bets are closed*

awww. :( i was 5 mins 2 late :(
Your bet: 160€ on zP! Won 800€
won 5000 on zp
400€ on idle vs cdap
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