Kick Ass!

I'm impressed! The young chick had an superb acting performance, she will feature in lot's of films. The film itself was just impressive and funny, everything was done perfectly, didn't have any kiddie environment. Deserves a spot on one of the bests movies this year!
Also there's a chance of a sequel it seems.

Waiting for a good quality for Robin Hood and Prince of Persia now.
It was surprisingly good, have seen it twice. :) Good soundtrack as well. :p
yeah, pretty much everything, even the actors are well picked
Yeah, seen it last week. Move was pretty fun, sometimes a bit retarded but ok ;p
we need more randompics
thats not a random chick, thats a related chick
stop going nuts over mediocre movies :D
Everyone likes it, but I just wasn't that impressed at all.

The concept is so awesome but I thought the movie itself was quite disappointing, expected more :/
the acting and the fighting was top notch, i don't think i have seen such an awesome martial art and gun actions, at least not for a while
Yeah wtf, I thought the fighting was uberlame :/

Perhaps I need to watch it again or something.
The music, editing and cinematography was perfect in that scene. The action wasn't some ott matrix crap either. IMO. It just looks really comic book like.
I thought exactly other way around. didn't expect a lot but I was impressed.
Mostly because it's Christopher Mintz-Plasse and not Jet Li or Jason Statham.
Good film. One of the most violent films I've seen though.
haha :D Well I'm not here to judge, but damn that was an excellent movie.
It was pretty good indeed, but the whole movie was pretty inequal.

I especially appreciated the fighting scene of the "fake-batman", right before he burns to the ground the depot, it was awesome.

And the chick is hot :)
True, also the scene new the end with Hit Girl, where she rapes the entire security. :D
definitely one of the very best movies this year
True, this Shutter Island and Inception. I don't think anything can top that this year. Next year there will be new big hits.
Do you make a journal for every movie you've watched?
yes he does
Only the ones I would like to discuss about.
what Iron said
watched Prince of Persia in cinema, waste of time and money
You are too stupid to pick movies that's why. Don't go to Inception btw.
and ur a jew with a big nose :O)
Really liked the movie, somehow i enjoy comic-movies alot even tho i never read comics (besides Donald Duck)
am i the only one who thinks this movie is total crap?
I liked it, was a rather nice approach of a superhero movie.

Looking forward to a somewhat similar movie that's coming out soon: Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
yeah heard about it, looks cool! michael cera is awesome
waiting for the expandables :)
good but soo last season yo!
watched kick ass and it's a good movie.. but the end a bit short
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