calling on fellow danes!!

This is a serious journal on not so serious website, I'll try anyway.

I'm in need of a affordable apartment / room / studio in Aarhus and surroundings. Is there any top real state / renting portal which I could check? Aarhus University altogether with my college fails to provide any decent options, all is too ·%/$·(/&%$ far! is it so hard to find anything under 500€?

Thank you in advance!

image: janedoeredpepper38
image: olgakurylenko
Don't know, sorry.
Hi there stranger.
Don't know, sorry.
I live in Aalborg, sorry
Google it assface.
Tattoos? Yes.

Piercings? No.
Tattoos? No.

Pirecings? Yes.
Disgusting chica.
I don't, thanks for caring.
random anarchy crap
nothing further from the truth nerd
Tattoos? Yes.
Those piercings? Meh.
its like fucking a painting :o
You should be able to get a dorm-room for less than 500 euro per month. My old dorm-room near Copenhagen (which is more expensive than Aarhus) was 295 euro per month. Feel free to PM me on IRC, on #crossfire I'll see if I can help.

I am currently paying around 440 euros in rent, for my apartment here in CPH. But, I have gotten extremely lucky in finding this.

A quick search gave me this:
They proposed this:

Spobjergvej 66, 2. L. 7+8
8220 Brabrand

I looks a little far, but that's not going to be a problem, the thing is, I've heard that burglars often visit that place, any idea if that's true? first thing I've seen on streetview was a hut with a pseudo polish graffiti on it :P

Brabrand is a place with a lot of immigrants, but still a nice place.
From what I've seen on street-view, it's indeed, pretty nice place. I'll reserve it, I don't need last minute troubles!
what will you study there? Is it only 1 semester or?
Master in Architecture, it's one entire year.
one quick question, the only real option to travel from Copenhagen to Aarhus is train right? is not an option (Kalundborg - Århus)
Or plain. You can get really cheap tickets from CPH to Aarhus or Aalborg and then take the train there. Try looking at they have leik 15€ flights
are you sure about it's redirecting to, perhaps you meant
Far? Depending on where you will study it can't be more than 8 km away... I ride my bike 19 km to my uni :)

I have no idea how burglary is at that dorm.
You should contact Aarhus university they will provide you with a full brochure of how to get settled. It is Aarhus county's duty to provide you with a place to stay so don't worry.
Thanks! I've received a mail today with the proposal you can see above. Seems fine!
ask bradd :)
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