Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 2

Look at this shit, it's not even out yet and I already hate it. And what really makes me sad is knowing that this fucking console port bullshit is going to sell millions of copies on the first day. I think everyone buying this should be killed or at least castrated so that their idiotism won't pass on to generations to come.
mua, singleplayer will be nice for a few hours, havent played cod mp since cod2


Casualness and competitive unplayability shines from this steaming piece of shit like photons radiate from the Sun.

Really, if this is the future of FPS gaming, I can see myself playing ET for a long time.
i posted the above comment before i even got to the fucking remote control car.
looks nice tbh :P

except for the explosive car thingy , that's just too much :P
wtf..? u hate it?? that is sick tbh.. looks very good
that's what we need in ET -> RC cars with dyna on the roof
Looks great, u just mad.
I'm very fucking mad. I hope Brink won't flop like Wolfenstein, because if it doesn't we might actually have a playable new multiplayer shooter.
ET -> RC cars with dyna on the roof
The multiplayer itself looks pretty much copypasted from MW2, but gonna pirate it anyway just for the singleplayer \o/
but the mp of MW2 was awesome , so why would they change it :P

except for the maps , got a bit bored of them quickly , hope they have more variaton in black ops
Keeping certain aspects of the game in every release is probably one of the thing that made the cod-series so popular, but you gotta hit the crowd with some NeverBeenThere's and ThatsFuckinAwesome's from time to time, otherwise they will feel like being stuck in time...

Personally i don't see any advantage in releasing the same game every year... this just spreads the cod-community all over 3 different games which are pretty much the same. The only thing that barely changes are the maps (and in case of the mw2-insurgency-pack thats just half the truth)...
money is the advantage for the developers
they release the same game pretty often
someone found out their little money making secret
looks nice :P

but 2 many details imo ..hard to see oppo :D and i dont like the ironsight

everything else is nice
looks like a lot of fucking chaos
seems like a nice and fun game to play,
Looks good tbh. MW2 was mega enjoyable. Just sucked that there were no dedis. This will, apparently, have dedis : )
What do you mean by "console port bullshit"?. All the COD games from COD4 onwards were developed in consoles in mind.
I agree with you sir. It's bullshit
Haha, casual gamer overkill
name 1 major difference from mw2
I actually can't stand all those 'console' players that absolutely love Call of Duty. I don't tell people I'm a gamer because I know i will be challenged to 'sniper one on ones'. My xbox is chipped and I never intend to flash it back, Xbox gaming is absolutely retarded. Why are there knives you can throw across the map? Why are there cars that blow people up? Is the market really in need of such a stupid game that involves so little skill and such retarded ideas?

The only console games I enjoyed that were FPS, were Ghost Recon, because I was playing with friends when i was 14, and Halo - because Halo 1 is possibly the best FPS ever made for a console, and i'm fucking awesome at it.
okay, needs some robots and dark vaders in it, too realistic yet
copied the crossbow from gears of war :D?
same shit since cod4
imo cod havent really changed after 4..
Just like GTA.
Same shit in different packet
looks amazing
waitin for Brink
I hope it won't flop so that we would have at least one enjoyable new multiplayer shooter.

By the way, Bad Company 2 was awesome - I mean, of course there was casual shit but it wasn't overdone like with MW2. It's a shame though that it gets overshadowed by that CoD shit pretty often.
you're right. BC2 is still better than MW2 imo.
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