speeding ticket :DD

I was caught speeding today (once again)
tax office Germany Frankfurt says hello to my 15 EUR for + 10 km/h in town. (30 zone)

I got bday in 1 week, fantastic present x)

image: 813308830-blitzer-auto-geschwindigkeit.9

15 eur omg how you're gonna buy food now
It's a speeding ticket. And congrats on your early birthday present!
Oh, someone got experience in it :D
lucky you, €15 is cheap. In the Netherlands it would've cost you €46
in finland atleast 110€ or was it 85 €
i think 115
dont do the crime if you cant do the time! speeding laws are there to prevent accidents happening and to save lives. Think about that before you speed next time hombre
More accidents here seem to happen due to slow speeds not high! Blame the OAP :D
But speeding (esp in daytime + residential areas) are just fucking stupid. There's a time and place for it all!
only 15 eur man
need that pic to show you how to avoid speeding ticket
This is one way:

image: burnt-gatso

£60 for a speeding fine here and 3 points off your license.
Protip: Don't get caught ; PPP
wundert mich immer noch wie man mit so einer gehhilfe um die selbst blinde nen bogen machen, überhaupt zu schnell fahren kann.
so ich bin im pub, werde spaeter wieder betrunken euer spiel stören ;D
AUFN pub, nicht IM pub!
hdf du affennachgeburt
15 euro WOW big fcking deal
10kmh cool story bro
lol lucky you.. i drove not that long ago 70km/h in a 30km/h zone.. but i whas to fast for the police to trace my speed... i didnt know they where behind me.. also lucky for me i only got a warning after they made a joke that i lost my drivers licence... lol
only got 1 ticket so far, 17km/h too fast in a city (50 km/h limit) had 2 pay 30€
Ive been caught only once and I think they didnt have their radar on cuz they were like
"do you know how fast you were driving?
me: "Bit over the limit? :P"
them: "20 over, plus one of your tail and front lights arent working"
me: "thanks for the info"
them: "np, have a good day sir"
15€ :DDDD In Norway it costs like 200€
30-zone Over 56 km/t 26 km/t ( = bye bye driver license :D)

10 km/t over = 1600kr (60 zone and lower)
Everything expensive in Norway. Beer, speeding tickets, cigarettes, ... LoL
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