gtv wattafukk

ever since the AEF LANs the Andy f1 servers never work for me ;S

Its always "awaiting challenge" :S ?

No its not my inet connection because i can connect to all other servers and ettv S:

Am I the only one with this problem? :S

In other news dignitas undead wtf???

(about time! undead pwns!)
ip:port ?

says 65 ppl on but doesnt work for meh :S
works fine here... :-/

maybe an routing issues?!
try numerals instead of letters
Nothing wrong with my ettv servers, according to my stats

Both on the Live servers
image: andyf1servegamecomgtvdl

and onDemand servers
image: andyf1servegamecomgtvod

it seems that most people have no problem viewing.
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