Need tips!

Im going to Amsterdam today with couple of my mates! being there 6 days about.. Need little advice!

Which is ur favorite coffee shops and clubs in dam?!?!?

Edit. Need some naiz clubs where playing dubstep and dnb!
BoBs coffee shop
Club Angel
go to veenendaal
Reguliersdwarsstraat ":D"
and u are some kind of regular member there? :D
Yea if I go to Amsterdam it's usually there
go to barney's.. not cheap, but cmon

Grasshoper is nice to chill, if you come early ^^

and go get some truffels xD
do u know any good underground clubs there? some real music like dnb electro or dubstep we need!
nope sry, didnt had the vitality to go to clubs or something^^
here you go

image: tipsy_01
came back yesterday, was friggin`awesome! eventhough there was the gay parade in AMS it was nice.
try to book a hostel as soon as possible, there was not a single room left when we were there.
yeah coffeshops :) my favourites were: Barney`s (expensive, but the service and quality is awesome. was the only coffeshop i`ve been to with a vaporizer) and abraxas (it`s a little bit cheaper then barneys but quality is good too :) u have to try the amnesia haze there)
the others i´ve been to (can only remember de rojkeri and the grasshopeer) where ok too, only the grasshopper was shit tbh. the weed was "streched", it tasted horrible and made a strange flame when burned.

its going to be awesome anyway, but one last advice, dont buy shit on the streets.
Thx dude! yea never even think about buying shit on the streets! And we got hotel already booked it month ago! I think we are just going to randomly somewhere! Better not to plan too much! :P
Just hope so there is naiz weather when we are there!
And btw loveland festival only thing where we have planned to go!
have fun there
Try the Teasers bar on the Damrak, very nice.
going in decemeber to amsterdam.. give more tips!
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