Denmark - Germany

Denmark Denmark 2 - 2 Germany Germany

Ohhh well, it was what it was; a friendly/training match. Both teams were amputated, but I think this marks the beginning of a generation shift for the Danish team, with three of the biggest Danish players of the previous decade having stopped on the national team: Martin Jørgensen, Jesper Grønkjær and Jon Dahl Thomasson.

However, a lot of the Danish upcoming players will be great to follow. One player in particular will become one of the most important players for the national team, the 18 year old Ajax player Christian Eriksen.

Well played versus Germany's F Team :D
Finest German lineup.
only good player was kroos
Wow these Germans up in this journal are pretty retarded.
from velerion (ghetto kids)
Wenn du mit "ghetto kids" intelektuell begabte Leute meinst geb ich dir recht mein spatz :* schöne grüße an scatman, er hat sich ja enorm verbessert. sag ihm d&b sucht ne gute rifle :*
naja so wie ihr euch im internet gegenüber andern leuten aufführt seid ihr ziemlich erbärmliche menschen, bestätigt durch die sache hier mit scatman
Why's that? Simply stating out the obvious. I didn't say Denmark didn't 'deserve' a 2:2, did I?
Appropriate answer.
It's the same old you, the same old me.
You've beaten the number 3 of the world!
Denmark != USA
I love these friendly games, they're only ones where finland can win
honesty deserves muchas love :*
You let Gomez score. Epic fail. But honestly, I watched it a little on the side and from what I saw Danmark played well. I didn't mind drawing against you actually because either way, I feel like 'my' team won. Too bad your team is mainly Rommedahl right now.
*ahem* and Eriksen!
Hope to see Denmark @ EM though, I like the team. Kjaer Bendtner <3
yea Eriksen great talent.
I also lolled @ dutch team playing with C team ( young talents mostly, who trained twice together ), and still not losing from Ukraine with shev,tymo,voronin etc.
Eriksen is overrated
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