brain =(

i merced in a 3o3 with 200 ping some minutes frostbite a lagg pushed me away just in the second i was taking the obj...but i didn't noticed that i didn't got it....and jumped all the way down to the transmitter....ffs god of et pls gimme brain


sad nazi is sad now
nup! xD blame your teammates who didn't say something!
waren zwei hollaender und ham auch fast nur nl gelabert =S
lols :D
hahaha :DDD
lol good player idd
Typical Bayern-fan.
hahaha :DD
bist nen held !
NL in final

Germany not final

whos better?

NL ofc

<3 bitch
if it ain't dutch ... it ain't much :P
kapa :-)
Atleast you made it!
Germany bitch on 14/02/10, 17:38:54 PM | Reply

wollte vorgluehen und fcb-bvb schauen, hab ne flasche havanna und nen paar bier getrunken...hab ausm fenster gekotzt...war nicht mehr in der lage wegzugehen...vllt klappt es naechstes jahr..
ich kenn nichteinmal mehr den zusammenhang :D
war wegen karneval ;D
aber vielleicht klappt es ja nächstes jahr ;)
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