CPC Shoutcasts

image: wheatthinssml
I finally uploaded them! Well...I uploaded IT, I havent uploaded a cast since pre-quakecon, but i needed to get these up for schoft's documentary so, if anyone would like to listen to the whole of day2's audio then you DL them from FileCloud, warning its a single 800mb file, unedited and not pro.

Today I'll upload the previous two nights casts w/ demos.

If you have any requests for other stuff thats not uploaded then I can try to get them for you, but they're on my shuttle which might be dead, so motivation to find them and fix the shuttle is lacking!
Downloading, nice job.
gg tosspot :)
gj but 800mb? :DDDDDDDDD

im very grateful but if you[or someone] would want to edit, seperate the casts of different games and upload them then i would be even more grateful!
ill do that eventually, i made a mistake in vegas and made the filesize massive
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