Could someone give me a starcraft II testaccount + this download client

want to test this game and maybe will buy it then if its good

pm me here or at #team-speedlink
it is good

you can take my word for it!
its awful (compared to the first one) but better than most modern rts games
Does it beat company of heroes?
even most SCI top players are saying that its nicely done, so stop trying to be cool and oldschool, when SCI was released you were still playing with your barbie puppy
see what you call "SCI top players" the brood war scene would call casuals, most progamers are still playing bw and for good reason
obviously they are because they are much ahead compared to other top players. But I dont mean people playing it for 7 years allready or even longer, I mean players which played SCI two or three years and got really decent in it.

And apart from that even most korean player are switching right now since the support for SCI will drop at least in the EU and I bet it does not take too long until this wind of change hits the asian continent
I think BW won't die in Korea for quite a lot of time because of the drama between Blizzard/KESPA. Not that I'm complaining, this last proleague season has been pretty entertaining and hopefully there is much more to come. BW was never big in Europe so it's not like there is much support to lose really...
only the Korea, Republic of pros are still playing Broodwar (which are ofc the only real "professionals"... and they will ofc continue cause of the KeSPA/Blizzard drama like you said already).
But most of the non-koreans (tbh almost all of them) like White-Ra,IdrA,IefNaij,Dimaga,Goody,Mondragon etc etc switched to SC2 tbh... i guess SC2 will be "the-big-esports-thing" in NA and Europe.
well ofcourse they would, Actiblizzard are pushing lots of $$$$$ into getting them to play their new game... i don't blame them... if i was doing something that had no money in it and little following but then suddenly had the option to do something easier but had lots of money and lots of following then of course I would switch

sc2 just isn't as entertaining as bw though from a spectator perspective so i'm really hoping KESPA remain stubborn/keep fighting blizzard and keep the bw scene alive in Korea!
I doubt there is any chance for SC2 in Korea... it will fail ... or tbh already failed when u look at the player numbers on the korean server :(
The reason is they get paid for it.
Seems like I'm in your buddylist.

i guess you deleted me ages ago :[

how is it going with your ex gf?
I suppose she's fine, haven't seen her for a few weeks.
it's cool and I am not a huge fan of rts
it is good just buy
One of the best games ever released if you are able to loose a lot and learn from it.
I am certainly able to lose a lot.
Are you capable of loving a lot?
Yes, although my current resumee would suggest otherwise.
wie er nicht warten kann xD
its a days wages , go buy the freakin game. or i can sell you my guest pass , you just have to let me finger your mom , seems like a fair trade
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