football manager 10

would like to download this game, anyone got any clue where to download it from or a torrent to use?!

been googling for a while and havent been lucky.
sorry only have rapidshare links
ive got a little .txt file with usefull players i found and talents etc. could upload it if u want
yh pmme with it if you want, ill give you some unknown talents myself ;)
what site u'd like it to be uploaded too?
you got some rly decent up and comers on that list, you should have a look at fabio coentrao and joao moutinho (not rly newcomers but rly decent players) also obertan who i think is gonna be rly good soon.
agreed, dunno bout obertan i sold him :D take a look at sanogo and desto, theyre gna get goalgetters
have a look at eduardo aswell (GK)
wich team? cudnt find him
he played for braga last season, he was linked with a move to genova during the summer but aint sure if it went thru or not
He's been in Genova for a while now.
otamendi,canales,rodwell are animals!
you're suggesting a newcomer to "cheat" straight from the beginning? wouldn't it be more fun to find good players by yourself?
ive been playing it since it came out
whats cheating about that
isnt 2011 nearly out ?
Should be out at the end of October (well it usually comes out in October, haven't been bothered to check the release date this year)
Although not officially announced yet, but we can confirm the following features and release date have been leaked.

- Release Date is Friday, October 29th 2010
- Improved training options
- More complex module for searching new players
- Improved graphics and 3D view of the game
- Introduction of football agents to the game
- Playing games in evenings (so called night effect)
- Differentiated weather conditions
- Release Date is Friday, October 29th 2010
- Improved training options <- I hate the training aspect of the game
- More complex module for searching new players <- More complex? It's already difficult enough to find decent players
- Improved graphics and 3D view of the game <- Don't use it anyway
- Introduction of football agents to the game <- Why?
- Playing games in evenings (so called night effect) <- Only optical or will St. Pauli magically win all their games?
- Differentiated weather conditions <- Same as above

Unless there's more significant changes I don't really see improvements here...
- hmm i like the training, i get my players rly good like that, so looking forward to that, only thing wich sucks is that i cant save my training schedules.

- agreed, why more complex!? x]

- dont use it dont care

- what use indeed, what do they do

- does it affect scores?
- same as above
image: colapietro

The only good player I ever found with the help of the player search function (and I don't mean scouts).
lolz sick stats, the way i find em is scouts & tranfers of other clubs, whats more then? x]
I looked for Finishing > 17 and Age < 21. Tried it with defenders too, but the best it came up with was this:

image: ilies

Don't get wrong, he's playing very well but I hoped for some sick talents.
well i think thats a sick talent tbh x]
Yeah, but it's kind of disappointing if you just signed someone like Colapietro the same way :)
oh sorry ment him :p
whoop whoop steamrolling with man utd
I am with Bayern. 3 CL titles, 4 National Championships, 4 Cup wins. np4me. Also Gomez 4 Player of the year.
playing with arsenal :) 2nd season, bought neymar. In 3rd season i will prolly play with neymar - vela. Awesome couple
Wanted to get Neymar but he was pretty much out of my pricerange by now and too old. I am set to sign < 21 year-olds only...
I always check u-18/u-21 national squads to search for young, great talents :D Once I signed young brazilian as a free transfer and he was named by media "The next Kaka" :3
Yeah, I have two scouts doing that for me.
Earning all that money and you can't even afford FM2010.
i bought it already but its on my computer, and im on my laptop atm and i cant find the cd.
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