need ventrilo linux client

i´m searching for a ventrilo linux client but i just cant find one :(
maybe you know where to get it ?
pls write link or smth, thanks alot <3
there is no good working ventrilo client for linux, unless you use wine, but thats hell too
he's searching for a windows version? ;o
no hes not, he made a typo, check title
Do bad, non working linux clients exist? :O
lol, i wrote windows but i mean linux for sure :D
you are fucked.
is there a good programm to emulate it which needs not much resources?
Your best bet is either wine or cedega.
install windows and it works

high five, eh six

image: podb77_14
windows sucks
i wanna try linux, only heard good things about it
its been posted on xfire before, just use the search button
it was posted on 21904782390573948 other places on the internet too, i guess google doesen't work for him ;!
I wrote a nice guide in the comments of this journal ->

but comments arent there, blame xf3 :(
Mind writing it again, ive just installed ubuntu on my hard drive so would be nice of you ;>

I'll write it again because I'm nice, expect to see it in the tutorial section soon.
Thanks mate appreciated :) your the closet thing to "linux expert" on here so maybe do a whole section of stuff including how to install nvidia/ati drivers, installing et , ofc the vent thing things like that and iam sure everyone would love you for it :P
google is more than full of those kind of tutorials
Ofc but for general interest for gamers who might try the ubuntu live cd and decide hey i might try linux and they dont want to be spending hours on google trying to find out how to install there graphics drivers. :P
m8 thats a part of getting knowledge about your OS
your in ubuntu, just do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx :)

Or, alternatively, the ubuntu wiki is perfect for that stuff.

Works similar on all debian based linux distros too.

edit: please pm me your msn details too, your not on irc :(
Yeh ive already read through that I meant more for other people not so much me :P more content makes a better article imo

No I use gentoo.
No idea to start thinking about vent if you have linux.

Wine is too bugged too. Makes me insane each time I use it.
Patience is a virtue, that your entire sex seem to lack. :p
Yeah but try using ts 24/7 and you'll be pissed too.

Its some bugg in wine, so everytime I am supposed to talk, I need to "mark" vent. Which means it wont work ingame.
+ if I idle too long, I need to reconnect.
And that idle time is like..3 min ;x
Voice activation solves the first problem, the second never happened to me. :o
Yeah but for some reason I cant set the voice activation properly.
Either it sends ALL, or nothing. No matter what I try and change for the voice activation.
Some friends try it in win, I set excatly the same, and it sends nothing.

Or it sends everything, as I said. Which means breathing 'n stuff. =/
I don't think anyone would mind listening to your breathing, j/k. :p

It's a shame that I've scrapped the idea of Linux as a desktop OS and formatted the drive to make room for more important things *cough*, or else I could've checked my settings.
Need more linux whine about ventrilo, works fine with windows here >8]
even if you will get ventrilo running you are still left with one problem if your soundcard (most soundcards are crappy) does not do hardware mixing because enemy territory uses oss (open sound system) and that locks the access to soundcard for other applications; there is alsa (advanced linux sound system) plugin called "aoss" but it won't work with enemy territory; another dirty solution is to cd /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/ and artsdsp -m et.x86 but this way you will get freaking soundlag;
in conclusion blame your crappy soundcard and open sound system
# echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss
# echo "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss
Fresh install, someone suggest a programme (on linux-ubuntu) i can use to open .rar files with. Archive manager doesnt want to open it :(
apt-get install rar unrar

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?

sudo apt-get install rar unrar
im new to linux su :P

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Package rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package rar has no installation candidate
It means that debian is dead
you need unrar
but first of all you need to enable universe and multiverse repositories
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